- You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement.
- Your device / console must be connected to the internet.
There are 29 Zombie Offroad Safari achievements, trophies and unlocks on GOOGLE PLAY platform curated by the community.
Games similar to Zombie Offroad SafariKill 100 Zombies!
Kill 10 zombies!
Kill 1000 Zombies!
Kill 10 Armored Zombies!
Kill 25 Spitter Zombies!
Kill 50 Armored Zombies!
Kill 100 Spitter Zombies!
Kill 5 Charger Zombies!
Kill 100 Charger Zombies!
Kill 20 Charger Zombies!
Kill 10 Bosses!
Upgrade a Weapon to Max Level!
Find a Yeti! Well, its pretty rare so good luck!
Upgrade a Car to Max level!
Reach Level 2!
Reach Level 10!
Reach Level 50!
Reach Level 20!
Jump 20 meters!
Jump 50 meters!
Kill 100 Zombies while reversing!
Jump 80 meters!
Kill 25 Hidden Zombies!
Reach 100% completion progress on Harbor map.
Reach 100% completion progress on Frozen Lake map.
Reach 100% completion progress on Canyon map.
Reach 100% completion progress on Valley map.
Reach 100% completion progress on Moon map.
Reach 100% completion progress on Deadland map.