- You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement.
- Your device / console must be connected to the internet.
There are 88 Tokyo Dark achievements, trophies and unlocks on STEAM platform curated by the community.
Games similar to Tokyo DarkEnjoy a drink
Shoot Reina in sewer
Draw gun in sewer
Keep a clear head
Attempt to arrest Reina
Run out of time in sewer
Pass on Saki's letter
Run from sewer
Use cherry blossom branch in Kamakura
Use fire alarm in police station
Switch off police station cameras
Respond professionally to Goto in sewer
Knock out officer Mori
Shoot bamboo in Kamakura
Take a life
Threaten Goto in sewer
Use force to get maids to talk
Help girls in arcade
Pick lock in police station
Use force to get information in cat cafe
Apologize in police station
Helped maids
Hold a hostage
Don't have the contract signed
Use force to get information in arcade
Daizo ending
Use force to get contract signed
Warehouse ending
Butterfly club ending
Save Reina ending
Discover what happened to the cat food
Daizo ending
Arrest Ending
Revenge Ending
Stay together ending
Butterfly club ending
Purification ending
Insanity ending
Bring Tanaka home ending
Warehouse ending
Suicide ending
Mask Bearer ending
Leave Tanaka ending
Cat ending
Enjoy a drink
Keep a clear head
Draw gun in sewer
Shoot Reina in sewer
Attempt to arrest Reina
Run from sewer
Run out of time in sewer
Shoot bamboo in Kamakura
Use cherry blossom branch in Kamakura
Pass on Saki's letter
Switch off police station cameras
Use fire alarm in police station
Pick lock in police station
Knock out officer Mori
Respond professionally to Goto in sewer
Threaten Goto in sewer
Take a life
Use force to get information in arcade
Help girls in arcade
Use force to get maids to talk
Helped maids
Use force to get information in cat cafe
Discover what happened to the cat food
Hold a hostage
Apologize in police station
Use force to get contract signed
Don't have the contract signed
Butterfly club ending
Butterfly club ending
Daizo ending
Daizo ending
Warehouse ending
Warehouse ending
Revenge Ending
Save Reina ending
Purification ending
Arrest Ending
Leave Tanaka ending
Bring Tanaka home ending
Stay together ending
Suicide ending
Insanity ending
Cat ending
Mask Bearer ending