- You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement.
- Your device / console must be connected to the internet.
There are 40 Thunder Gun: Revenge of the Mutants achievements, trophies and unlocks on STEAM platform curated by the community.
Games similar to Thunder Gun: Revenge of the MutantsSearch for the world beyond our space and time; locate the Orbis statue that is hidden in each map.
Play an average game and score 250,000 points in a single match.
Play a hefty scoring round and score 500,000 points in a single match.
Socializing is for chumps; play a damn good round and score 1,000,000 points in a single match.
Perform your first Thunder Jump by propelling yourself upward with the Thunder Gun.
Pick up a Health Pack for the first time.
Activate a Tesla Coil for the first time.
Fire an Overcharge with the Thunder Gun for the first time.
Press the Escape button during a match and see what happens.
Trick a Walking Fat Mutant Cat-o-Ninetails into falling off a cliff and killing itself.
Turn off Auto-Switch in the Options and swap from your Sub-Machine Gun just before taking damage in a Rainstorm to keep your Hit Streak.
Establish your might by getting up to a 250 Hit Streak in a match.
Avoid missing enough times to get yourself up to a 500 Hit Streak in a match.
Hide yourself away from the light of day and play a perfect game; get a 1,000 Hit Streak in a match.
Meet your brothers in the stars and achieve the maximum upward speed.
NO! NOT THE BEES! Fire the Sub-Machine Gun 1,500 times along your adventures.
Strike your foes with its venom; fire a grand total of 500 Pistol shots across all of your matches.
There's power within its hairy ivory; shoot the Magnum 250 times over your career.
Collectively shoot any of your Thunder Weapons for a total of 1,000 times in your career.
Use the Hollow-Points Perk and Magnum to kill 6 enemies with a single bullet.
Prevent Fat Mutant Corpses from spawning Stomach Mutants 10 times in your career by destroying their bloating bodies.
Use a Tesla Coil to get a 50x Chain (Chain is not your HitStreak). It sure is sexy when you pull it off.
Activate all of the available Tesla Coils on the map in a single match.
Technology is for the sophisticated; score 250,000 points in a single match without activating any Tesla Coils.
Shop around for doctors and pick up all of the Health Packs on the map in a single round.
Neglect your dental hygiene by scoring 250,000 points in a single match without picking up ANY Health Packs.
Survive your first match in 5-Minute Mode or survive for 5 minutes in Endless Mode.
Play Endless Mode and survive for at least 10 Minutes in a single match.
Encounter 35 Rainstorms across your Thunder Gunning career.
Kill 2,500 enemies in your Thunder Gunning Career.
Accumulate XP and level up your Profile to the Maximum Level.
Stay true to your morals; refuse to attack the enemy and survive an entire 5-Minute match without killing ANYTHING.
Put those dodging skills to use and avoid taking ANY damage for the FIRST 2 minutes and 30 seconds of a match.
Make heavy use of that grace shot by using 5 Streak Saves within the SAME Hit Streak.
Pick up the SAME Health Pack 5 times in a single match.
Get whipped 20 times by the Fat Mutant Cat-o-Ninetails in a single match.
Get the crap beaten out of you by taking 50 Damage in a single match.
In a single round, pick up at least 10 Health Packs and heal yourself for the maximum amount every time.
Help contribute to everyone's success; get the Points Scored Worldwide up to 1 BILLION points, and all players will be awarded with this trophy.
Prove that you are a Master Player; survive at least 5 minutes and get a 350 Hit Streak in a single match, all while using the Thunder Medal.