- You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement.
- Your device / console must be connected to the internet.
There are 50 Techwars Online 2 achievements, trophies and unlocks on STEAM platform curated by the community.
Games similar to Techwars Online 2Play 100 battles
Win 100 battles
Earn 1000000 money
Destroy 1000 enemies
Capture 100 flags
Earn 1000 money in one battle
Earn 1000000 expirience
Get 100 friends
Get 100 assist
Take 100 level
Deal 1000000 damage
Walk the 10000 kilometres
Deal 100000 damage with sword
Deal 200000 damage with laser
Deal 100000 damage with WASP
Deal 50000 heals
Deal 100000 damage with explosives
Use 100 Airstrikes
Play 100 games in Damb
Use 100 Clots
Play 100 games with KATO
Play 100 games in Desert
Play 100 games with Dominion
Play 100 games with Scout
Play 100 games with Stormtrooper
Play 100 games with Destroyer
Play 100 games with Technician
Catch with harpoon 100 robots
Enhance 100 turrets
Spawn 100 turrets
Kill 10 enemies with one life
Take first place with exp 50 times
Deal 100 uppercuts
Get 1000 overheats
Burn 100 robots
Respawn 100 robots on mobile point
Play 100 games with party
Speed up 1000 times
Destroy 100 robots with sniper rifle
Kill 50 enemies in their home
Destroy 50 robots with mines
Walk on destroyed bridge on Damb
Enhance 1000 weapons
Deal 100000 damage with rockets
Take first place with kills 50 times
Destroy 100 robots with shotgun
With one life take damage more than robot HP 10 times
14400 minutes in battle
Using the 'Occupation' ability capture 50 flags
Take first place with flags 50 times