- You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement.
- Your device / console must be connected to the internet.
There are 37 Super Robot Wars OG The Moon Dwellers achievements, trophies and unlocks on PS3 PS4 platform curated by the community.
Games similar to Super Robot Wars OG The Moon DwellersObtained all trophies.
Clear the game on EX Hard Mode.
Clear the game on Special Mode.
Clear the game on any game mode 3 times.
Obtain all SR points on all stages.
Destroy over 1000 enemies with your allies.
Have all stages displayed in the scenario chart.
Clear the game.
Deal over 100,000 damage to a single enemy within a battle.
Destroy over 200 enemies with any single pilot.
Reduce the enemy's HP to a single digit during battle.
Execute at least 10 Union Attack within a single turn.
Collect all(53)Option Weapons.
Have Irum, Ryoto, Rio and Ing leveled to 50.
Destroy over 500 enemies with your allies.
Clear the GUIDANCE Scenario.
Clear the initial stage in scenario mode.
Obtained SR points.
Watch any Quick Save exit message.
Fully modified any Mech.
Make any ally pilot an Ace Pilot (50 kills).
Destroy 15 enemies with a ally pilot within a single stage.
Attack at least 10 enemies with a single MAP Weapon.
Travel at least 16 squares in a single move.
Reduce the enemy Pilot's Will to 50.
Start the battle with Spirit Command『Luck』in effect and all enemies surviving.
Reduce ally Mech's EN to 0.
Combine and form a Twin Unit on the map with 2 Mech of the same name.
Deploy any Mech equipped with 2 same Option Weapon and using it in battle.
Use the Maximum Break.
Destroy an enemy unit with a counterattack.
Destroy at least 2 enemies in a single attack with Ginto.
Akimi and Akemi have a total kill count of more than 100 combined.
Clear the stage using both Touya and Calvina plus all possible sub pilot combination with Katia, Tenia and Melua.
Haken performs an Assist Defense on a female pilot(main).
Lamia is deployed using Gespenst Haken and destroys an enemy.
Destroy over 100 enemies with your allies.