- You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement.
- Your device / console must be connected to the internet.
There are 38 Soccer Simulator: Tournament achievements, trophies and unlocks on GOOGLE PLAY platform curated by the community.
Games similar to Soccer Simulator: TournamentReach LVL 10
Reach LVL 25
Reach LVL 50
Reach LVL 100
Reach LVL 75
Reach LVL 150
Reach LVL 200
Reach LVL 400
Reach LVL 300
Reach LVL 500
Make Substitution 1 time
Make Substitution 10 times
Make Substitution 3 times
Invest 5 times
Make Substitution 25 times
Invest 100 times
Invest 25 times
Invest 500 times
Invest 1000 times
Buy 20 items
Buy 5 items
Buy 50 items
Complete 'World Cup'
Complete 'Divine Cup'
Complete 'Intergalactic Cup'
Hire 3 coaches
Hire 10 coaches
Join 1 club
Hire 20 coaches
Join 4 clubs
Join 6 clubs
Get 50 Mascots
Get 12 Mascots
Get 500 Mascots
Get 150 Mascots
Use 5 items from superstar's locker
Use 1 item from superstar's locker
Use 20 items from superstar's locker