- You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement.
- Your device / console must be connected to the internet.
There are 26 Snake Legends achievements, trophies and unlocks on GOOGLE PLAY platform curated by the community.
Games similar to Snake LegendsLightning bolt 1 dudes.
Lightning bolt 150 dudes.
Lightning bolt 15 dudes.
Blow up 1 dude.
Blow up 15 dudes.
Blow up 9 dudes with the same bomb.
Blow up 150 dudes.
Throw 150 dudes away from the game platform.
Get 50 characters.
Get one snowflake.
Get 5 dudes with the Warlus!
Jump off the platform with 3 dudes.
Electrocute 5 dudes with Electric Dude.
Jump off the platform with 15 dudes.
Gather at least 7 followers with Cthulhu!
Hit a stone with Freud Flintrock.
Hit a tree with Lumberjack.
Get 5 dudes.
Hunt one Ninja with The Last Lerena.
Lose by hitting your own snake with Ragnar.
Get 15 dudes with Caesar.
Suicide Krank!
Let Rocko and Barackus meet in the open field!
Gather at least 5 dudes with Ace.
Hunt one Samurai with a Ninja
Catch Roger with Man in Suit.