simcity buildit google play achievements

SimCity BuildIt Google Play Achievements, Trophies and Unlocks

There are 20 SimCity BuildIt achievements, trophies and unlocks on GOOGLE PLAY platform curated by the community.

Games similar to SimCity BuildIt
Parks & Rec

Parks & Rec

Provide Park services for 200 Residential Zones.

Culture Capital

Culture Capital

Provide Culture services to 175 Residential Zones with Landmarks.

Smart City

Smart City

Provide Educational services for 150 Residential Zones.

Sin City

Sin City

Provide Gambling services for 125 Residential Zones.



Spend §250000 when trading.

Economic Empire

Economic Empire

Trade and earn §250000.

Social City

Social City

Have 15 friends.

Clean & Green City

Clean & Green City

Provide Wind/Solar Power to 150 Residential Zones.

Super Power

Super Power

Provide Nuclear/Fusion Power to 175 Residential Zones.

Smoggy City

Smoggy City

Provide Coal/Oil Power to 170 Residential Zones.



Have 1000000 Sims living in your City.

Wealthy City

Wealthy City

Collect §1000000 in Taxes.

Tiny Town

Tiny Town

Have 8000 Sims living in your City.

Growing City

Growing City

Open 35 expansions on the Game map.

Suburb City

Suburb City

Have 26000 Sims living in your City.

Population Boost

Population Boost

Have 70000 Sims living in your City.



Complete 250 Cargo Shipments.

Big City

Big City

Have 200000 Sims living in your City.

Mad Scientist

Mad Scientist

Unleash 250 Disasters.



Complete 250 Air Cargo Shipments.

Why achievements are not unlocking for SimCity BuildIt in Google Play ?

To successfully unlock achievements and challenges, you need to make sure the following are true:
  • You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement.
  • Your device / console must be connected to the internet.

Games similar to SimCity BuildIt