scribblenauts remix google play achievements

Scribblenauts Remix Google Play Achievements, Trophies and Unlocks

There are 46 Scribblenauts Remix achievements, trophies and unlocks on GOOGLE PLAY platform curated by the community.

Games similar to Scribblenauts Remix
Starite Apprentice

Starite Apprentice

Catch 20% of all Starites

Starite Master

Starite Master

Catch 50% of all Starites

World Complete

World Complete

Complete any world

Starite King

Starite King

Catch 100% of all Starites

English Eagle

English Eagle

Create 10 unique objects

Letter Lieutenant

Letter Lieutenant

Create 25 unique objects

Language Lion

Language Lion

Create 100 unique objects

Syllable Savant

Syllable Savant

Create 50 unique objects

Grammar General

Grammar General

Create 200 unique objects

Word Warrior

Word Warrior

Create 300 unique objects

Sharpened Pencil

Sharpened Pencil

Use 25 unique adjectives

Brand New Pencil

Brand New Pencil

Use 10 unique adjectives

Well Used Pencil

Well Used Pencil

Use 50 unique adjectives

Worn Down Pencil

Worn Down Pencil

Use 100 unique adjectives

Broken Pencil

Broken Pencil

Use 300 unique adjectives

Cracked Pencil

Cracked Pencil

Use 200 unique adjectives

Rad Recombiner

Rad Recombiner

Apply three adjectives to an object

Master Morpher

Master Morpher

Apply five adjectives to an object

It's Alive!

It's Alive!

Grant life to an inanimate object

Mega Mutator

Mega Mutator

Apply eight adjectives to an object

Piggy Bank

Piggy Bank

Hold 5,000 Ollars in your bank

Nice Wallet

Nice Wallet

Hold 10,000 Ollars in your bank

Suit Up

Suit Up

Fully equip Maxwell

Money Vault

Money Vault

Hold 20,000 Ollars in your bank

You Can Fly

You Can Fly

Equip any flying gear or mount

Cthulhu fhtagn

Cthulhu fhtagn

Create a mythos monster

Clever Creation

Clever Creation

Attach any three objects together



Destroy the world

Creative Concoction

Creative Concoction

Attach any six objects together

Colossal Contraption

Colossal Contraption

Attach any ten objects together

Over Budget

Over Budget

Use up the entire object budget on the Playground



Create the smallest possible object



Create the largest possible object

Forbidden Fruit

Forbidden Fruit

Use the doppelganger’s notebook

Lion Tamer

Lion Tamer

Ride a creature that's normally hostile

Russian Doll

Russian Doll

Place an object inside an object inside an object

Kiss Me

Kiss Me

Transform a creature into a toad

Texture Artist

Texture Artist

Create 5 objects made out of altered materials

Really Big Lizards

Really Big Lizards

Create 5 dinosaurs

Daily Horoscope

Daily Horoscope

Decorate the sky with the 12 zodiac symbols



Decorate the sky with every planet in the solar system

Coloring Book

Coloring Book

Create 10 objects with altered colors

Easter Egg

Easter Egg

Create five hidden historical figures

Fantasy Fullfillment

Fantasy Fullfillment

Create 5 fantasy objects or use 5 fantasy adjectives

The World of Tomorrow

The World of Tomorrow

Create 5 science fiction objects or use 5 science fiction adjectives

Welcome Mat

Welcome Mat

Change your playground

Why achievements are not unlocking for Scribblenauts Remix in Google Play ?

To successfully unlock achievements and challenges, you need to make sure the following are true:
  • You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement.
  • Your device / console must be connected to the internet.

Games similar to Scribblenauts Remix