rock 'n roll steam achievements

Rock 'N Roll Steam Achievements, Trophies and Unlocks

There are 212 Rock 'N Roll achievements, trophies and unlocks on STEAM platform curated by the community.

Games similar to Rock 'N Roll
I Used 25 Spi-Roll Attacks In A Game!

I Used 25 Spi-Roll Attacks In A Game!

I Used 50 Spi-Roll Attacks In A Game!

I Used 50 Spi-Roll Attacks In A Game!

I Am A True Rock 'N Roll Star!  I Saved the Earth!

I Am A True Rock 'N Roll Star! I Saved the Earth!

I Destroyed 500 Asteroids In A Single Game!

I Destroyed 500 Asteroids In A Single Game!

I Wrecked 1,000 Asteroids In A Single Game!

I Wrecked 1,000 Asteroids In A Single Game!

I Obliterated 2,500 Asteroids In A Single Game!

I Obliterated 2,500 Asteroids In A Single Game!

I have PASSED (with a C grade) in Rock 'N Roll!

I have PASSED (with a C grade) in Rock 'N Roll!

B Stands for Brilliant!  I am Better than your "average" hero!

B Stands for Brilliant! I am Better than your "average" hero!

A Stands for Awesome, Amazing, and Astonishing!

A Stands for Awesome, Amazing, and Astonishing!

I am an Ace at Rock 'N Roll! Bring on 'dem rocks!

How do you get more Awesome than a mere A?

How do you get more Awesome than a mere A?

Devastate the rocks and baddies in Rock 'N Roll! A+ baby!

5 Beautiful Glimmering G.E.O.S. Gems Obtained!

5 Beautiful Glimmering G.E.O.S. Gems Obtained!

10% chance to save the Earth, let's go!

10 G.E.O.S. Gems Ain't Cheesy.. or Easy!

10 G.E.O.S. Gems Ain't Cheesy.. or Easy!

20% chance to save the Earth, let's go!

25 G.E.O.S. Gems!  Holy Play Hooky To Save an Earth Day!

25 G.E.O.S. Gems! Holy Play Hooky To Save an Earth Day!

50% chance! Come on baby, don't fail me now!

50,000 points isn't bad, right?

50,000 points isn't bad, right?

..Hey this game ain't easy, don't tease me!

100,000 points.  Piece of cake!

100,000 points. Piece of cake!

..Hand over a cold beer to go this this cake now eh?

200,000 points, I could do this all day with my eyes closed!

200,000 points, I could do this all day with my eyes closed!

Now watch and you might learn something... *CRASH!*

Half a million points, just a walk in the park!

Half a million points, just a walk in the park!

Hey, wake me up when something happens here, will ya?

I'm a Millionaire!  ..Too bad it's only points and

I'm a Millionaire! ..Too bad it's only points and

a silly achievement on this crazy asteroid blasting game, hmm?

I just got a Fail game, err I mean Full game achievement!

I just got a Fail game, err I mean Full game achievement!

Fail.. Full.. Potato, Patato ..It's an achievement anyhow!

haXX0r I am!  And proud of it mind you!

haXX0r I am! And proud of it mind you!

When it comes to saving the Earth, anything goes I say!

I'm totally BAE.. "Busy As Ever"!!

I'm totally BAE.. "Busy As Ever"!!

You expect me to save the world when I got SUCH a BUSY life?!?

I went all in and bought M.E.S.A protection !!

I went all in and bought M.E.S.A protection !!

My daddy always told me to "use protection" and well.. Now I've bought some protection!

I'm Soooo Dizzy!  Weeee!  Maximum Rotation Speed!!

I'm Soooo Dizzy! Weeee! Maximum Rotation Speed!!

..Ain't wastin' no time, I can turn on a dime!

Don't Mess With Me!  I'm a Bad Bad Man!

Don't Mess With Me! I'm a Bad Bad Man!

Bad to the Bone.. My Fire Power is Full Blown!

Gotta mission to save the world.. Momma didn't raise no fool!

Gotta mission to save the world.. Momma didn't raise no fool!

They say diamonds are forever, but this G.E.O.S. gem might be more clever!

I got my first kill of something that isn't a Rock!

I got my first kill of something that isn't a Rock!

That thing.. I thought at first that it was trying to help me shoot the rocks.. then I realized I was in serious trouble!

I killed that slimy green space snake before it "blowed me up"!

I killed that slimy green space snake before it "blowed me up"!

They just keep coming! Those things will explode their acidic innards all over your shiny pretty space ship!

I Took them Triple Points of "K-OS" and I did NOT die!

I Took them Triple Points of "K-OS" and I did NOT die!

These Bull Riders think lasting 8 seconds is tough.. pfft, Try lasting 30 seconds with K-OS!

I just found something real "purty" called Rhodium!

I just found something real "purty" called Rhodium!

OMG, this stuff is worth a TON! .Now where's a McD's when you need one?!

Dang, this is nice looking stuff, it's gotta be worth somethin'!

Dang, this is nice looking stuff, it's gotta be worth somethin'!

..It might be pretty, but it don't make good toilet paper if you run out! Just sayin'!

Yahoo!  I just earned my first extra life!

Yahoo! I just earned my first extra life!

Life out here is pretty grim, but I need all I can get to save my loved ones back on Earth!

This is the biggest darned Nickel I've ever seen!

This is the biggest darned Nickel I've ever seen!

It's called nickel and worth only slightly more!

It's bluer than the Earth back home.

It's bluer than the Earth back home.

It's so blue, it makes me feel blue and miss home and my family!

I'm a millionaire!  One million bucks I've earned  baby!!

I'm a millionaire! One million bucks I've earned baby!!

I wish I could hire those Vaporous Death things to work for me instead of trying to kill me!

I didn't mean to shoot the one chance I had at saving you..

I didn't mean to shoot the one chance I had at saving you..

But I'm not on my A-game without my Dew!

I just hit 10 times "Platinum" baby!  Look at me go!

I just hit 10 times "Platinum" baby! Look at me go!

..With this last platinum, I just matched Garth Brooks first album from 1989, as that album also got 10 platinum too! Woohoo!

Half a million already!? Wow, this is sure easier than working fastfood service!

Half a million already!? Wow, this is sure easier than working fastfood service!

Half a million dollars and not a single pizza joint anywhere around!

These little asteroid wanna-be things!  Argh, I got 10 of them now!

These little asteroid wanna-be things! Argh, I got 10 of them now!

"The first iron cluster scared me as I hit it, now they are just annoying!"

I just went Platinum baby!

I just went Platinum baby!

..And people always told me I couldn't sing! This platinum proves them all wrong!

With all this 10 gold I've collected.. I should be able to make me a nice "golden" stack of pancakes! Mmm..

With all this 10 gold I've collected.. I should be able to make me a nice "golden" stack of pancakes! Mmm..

Holy Hell, where did that thing come from?  I killed it, I killed it!

Holy Hell, where did that thing come from? I killed it, I killed it!

They call it the VDS.. I call it my worst nightmare. It's moving vaporous eyes are such horror!

I done learned how to make 'dat money!  10 'dem Rhodiums sold now!

I done learned how to make 'dat money! 10 'dem Rhodiums sold now!

"It's really hard to part with something so purty, but I told it that it was me, not it when I left it"

Oh darn, it's just a big chunk of Iron!  Whew!

Oh darn, it's just a big chunk of Iron! Whew!

..I could have swore it was another darn asteroid and I was dead, but I heard the sound of the ship collector, woot! woot!

10 Titaniums now!  Sounds important!  (It's really not! Nickels are more valuable!)

10 Titaniums now! Sounds important! (It's really not! Nickels are more valuable!)

They may not be worth much, but they would look nice hangin' on my Christmas tree

Gold looks so much shinier when you're out in space!

Gold looks so much shinier when you're out in space!

..It must be the clean air out here making this gold so.. well gold.

I just got SHOT while flying that fast!! That's GOTTA be Auto-Aim!

I just got SHOT while flying that fast!! That's GOTTA be Auto-Aim!

"That thing, that thing is cheatin'! How do I report that thing for hackin' with auto-aim!?"

I like "purty" things!  I have now scooped up 10 Rhodiums!

I like "purty" things! I have now scooped up 10 Rhodiums!

That horrible vaporous red evil space blob ATE me!  OMG!

That horrible vaporous red evil space blob ATE me! OMG!

Now I know how it feels to be one of my potato chips!

I am a true Rock Breaker!

I am a true Rock Breaker!

5,000 Rocks Shattered.. and counting!

I've now pawned 10 Iron balls!  A penny saved, a penny earned!

I've now pawned 10 Iron balls! A penny saved, a penny earned!

"They gave me that look when I pawned them dull dirty iron balls, but I held my head high!"

10 X Cobalt, holy moly!  ..I'll have a blue "Cobalt" Christmas without you!

10 X Cobalt, holy moly! ..I'll have a blue "Cobalt" Christmas without you!

"You'll be dead and in fright with your Christmas of Plight.. But I'll have a blue, blue, blue, blue Cobalt Christmas!"

Titanium! Wow! I'm rich! I'm rich!  This stuff gotta be worth millions!

Titanium! Wow! I'm rich! I'm rich! This stuff gotta be worth millions!

...It's worth less than that Nickel I found! What?! ..This space hub is rippin' me off!

45 Seconds Baby!  Get in Line!

45 Seconds Baby! Get in Line!

You gotta get in line if you wanna play now! I got massive lasting power here!

Five Extra Ships baby!  That is NOT easy!  Yay me!

Five Extra Ships baby! That is NOT easy! Yay me!

Five extra lives out here can be lost in mere seconds! But I cannot give up!

15 waves of Asteroids!  Holy hell in space!  Gotta keep pushin'!

15 waves of Asteroids! Holy hell in space! Gotta keep pushin'!

"I swear these asteroids are trollin' me now.. is this a really bad dream? Wake up self! Wake up!"

Resource Hoarder! ..20 of each!

Resource Hoarder! ..20 of each!

"Mine! All Mine! Give me! Mine! Gimme, Giime!"

What is this CANNON doing out here in Space?!! Can I harvest that iron?

What is this CANNON doing out here in Space?!! Can I harvest that iron?

WoooHooooo!! Mommmmmmy! Ohhhh Wowwwww! Yeee Hawwww!

I'm getting soo good at sucking it all up baby!

I'm getting soo good at sucking it all up baby!

Mmm, Mmm, Good.. Sucking it All up 5 times in a single game! Sluurrrrp!

4 Fabulous Minutes is how I rock it!

4 Fabulous Minutes is how I rock it!

I just gave it 4.. had so much fun that I wanna last a few more!

Another wave of them rocks gone!  I feel like they will never end..

Another wave of them rocks gone! I feel like they will never end..

"5 waves of asteroids, so many close deaths.. But they are worth it! Gotta save 'em"

I found something pretty decent called "iridium"!

I found something pretty decent called "iridium"!

When I first saw the iridium, I thought it was like a big chocolate kiss wrapped in shiny foil!

I can't get "rid" of "Iridium".. Now I've got TEN!

I can't get "rid" of "Iridium".. Now I've got TEN!

I'm a 30 Second Dream Machine!

I'm a 30 Second Dream Machine!

Holding it for 30 whole seconds takes mad skills!

You Can't Top This!  TEN THOUSAND in Hard Rock Baby!

You Can't Top This! TEN THOUSAND in Hard Rock Baby!

The skills required to get 10k is higher than what's needed to be in the NFL today!

I just made a new friend in space!

I just made a new friend in space!

This little A55 Kicker really kicks some ass!

If I ever live through this, I might start mining asteroids more often!

If I ever live through this, I might start mining asteroids more often!

$250,000 and all I can spend it on is this space ship! Argh!

I've now collected 10 of each pretty, shiny, thing out here!

I've now collected 10 of each pretty, shiny, thing out here!

"It's nice to have a hobby that you enjoy when you're out in space killing monsters, shooting asteroids, and saving the world!"

3 Whole Minutes Equals Triple Pleasure!

3 Whole Minutes Equals Triple Pleasure!

First I tried the 2 min action, now I'm loving the 3 min!

25,000 Points in Hard Rock Madness!  Holy Smokes I'm Good!

25,000 Points in Hard Rock Madness! Holy Smokes I'm Good!

Instincts of a cheetah, Blessed Skills of the Heavens! That's Me Baby!

Two Million Bones!

Two Million Bones!

Millions come EASY when you're this damn good!

It's 10 Osmium I gathered, NOT "opium" as in drugs!  Geez!

It's 10 Osmium I gathered, NOT "opium" as in drugs! Geez!

OMG! I "KILT" every asteroid rock thing!  It's all gone!  Did I win?  I won huh?!?

OMG! I "KILT" every asteroid rock thing! It's all gone! Did I win? I won huh?!?

5,000 Points in Hard Rock mode!

5,000 Points in Hard Rock mode!

Bow to me now. Before I give you my 5k "pow"!

Oops! I done blown up my A55 Kicker!

Oops! I done blown up my A55 Kicker!

1 Minute of Frantic, Furious Action!

1 Minute of Frantic, Furious Action!

Who ain't got time for a minute man?! Call on me whenever you got a minute to spare baby!

Cha-Ching!  I just found my 10th Nickel out here in space!  Would be nice to find like a Quarter now!

Cha-Ching! I just found my 10th Nickel out here in space! Would be nice to find like a Quarter now!

"10 Nickels = 50 cents... Ugh. ..I'll never be able to buy that faster fire power at this rate!"

I am an official "8008" by getting that exact score, 8008 uploaded to the leaderboards..

I am an official "8008" by getting that exact score, 8008 uploaded to the leaderboards..

Proud to use external cheat applications to HACK.. making me an official BOOB!

I Scored 1,000+ in Hard Rock Mode!

I Scored 1,000+ in Hard Rock Mode!

Nothin' to be shy about, 1k points is worthy with only one life to live!

I just blasted my first asteroid with Zaxpoleon Dynamite! WhooHooo!

I just blasted my first asteroid with Zaxpoleon Dynamite! WhooHooo!

What a freakin' Blast!

100% Authentic Play!  No In-Game Cheats Activated!

100% Authentic Play! No In-Game Cheats Activated!

"I may not be able to save the Earth, but nobody.. I mean NOBODY can ever say I saved humanity by cheating!"

10K Rock RAWKER!

10K Rock RAWKER!

10,000 Rocks you say? ..I'm just getting started!

Half an Hour Of Pure Perfection!  RAWR!

Half an Hour Of Pure Perfection! RAWR!

I am truly One-In-A-Million! I'm THAT damn good!

15 Minutes of Hard C.. err R..ock Action! I'm a Rock 'n Roll God!

15 Minutes of Hard C.. err R..ock Action! I'm a Rock 'n Roll God!

I dare anyone to last this long!

No obstacle is too big if you set your mind to beating it!

No obstacle is too big if you set your mind to beating it!

Monster Rock + Me = Pile of Dust!

That's the 10th wave of Asteroids blasted!  So many rocks!

That's the 10th wave of Asteroids blasted! So many rocks!

"Each new wave presents more danger, more crumbles, more aliens.. Can I do it?"

90 Seconds of Pure Perfection!

90 Seconds of Pure Perfection!

I'm just getting warmed up, are you ready for more?

I've collected TWENTY FIVE Zaxpoleon Dynamites!

I've collected TWENTY FIVE Zaxpoleon Dynamites!

I've collected FIVE Zaxpoleon Dynamites!

I've collected FIVE Zaxpoleon Dynamites!

5 Minutes I Stayed Alive!  High Five!

5 Minutes I Stayed Alive! High Five!

Not anyone can last 5 minutes of that wild ride, but I lasted and held my pride!

Mother Sucker!  Wow.. I'm good at sucking this junk up!

Mother Sucker! Wow.. I'm good at sucking this junk up!

I just learned how much fun it is to suck! Yummy!

I blew that tentacle looking bastard to kingdom come!

I blew that tentacle looking bastard to kingdom come!

Take that boss man!  I exploded on you!  Rawr!

Take that boss man! I exploded on you! Rawr!

10 Fast Paced, Furious Minutes!

10 Fast Paced, Furious Minutes!

Who wouldn't want someone who can last 10+ minutes at this kinda action!?

OMG! I'm an 8 Second Man!

OMG! I'm an 8 Second Man!

It's not easy lasting 8 seconds before exploding!

I tried going "All In" with "Up Your A55" and I gotta say, It is Amazing!

I tried going "All In" with "Up Your A55" and I gotta say, It is Amazing!

"Up Yours Too Buddy!" ;-)

That damn dynamite saved my life!  That red space blob is vaporized!

That damn dynamite saved my life! That red space blob is vaporized!

I collected my first Zaxpoleon Dynamite!

I collected my first Zaxpoleon Dynamite!

2 Minutes. Double the Fun!

2 Minutes. Double the Fun!

I never thought I could last two minutes, but it went by too fast honey!

ARGH! I blew myself!  What an explosion! Sheesh!

ARGH! I blew myself! What an explosion! Sheesh!

I just achieved 2,500 points in the hardest of hard times!

I just achieved 2,500 points in the hardest of hard times!

Hard Rock Mode: 2,500 Points! Respect this!

It wasn't easy, but I ain't cheesy!

It wasn't easy, but I ain't cheesy!

That lightning shootin' alien ship just got REKT by yours truly!

20 Mind Blastin' Hard & Fast Minutes of This!?

20 Mind Blastin' Hard & Fast Minutes of This!?

You can't handle this! ..You can't handle me baby!

I didn't let good ol' earth take even a scratch baby!

I didn't let good ol' earth take even a scratch baby!

I've collected TEN Zaxpoleon Dynamites!

I've collected TEN Zaxpoleon Dynamites!

Kamikaze That Mr Space Worm!  Blown to HELL! Ha!

Kamikaze That Mr Space Worm! Blown to HELL! Ha!

I done learned a whole lot about well.. about rocks and shiny stuff!

I done learned a whole lot about well.. about rocks and shiny stuff!

Momma didn't raise no fool!

I Used 25 Spi-Roll Attacks In A Game!

I Used 25 Spi-Roll Attacks In A Game!

I Used 50 Spi-Roll Attacks In A Game!

I Used 50 Spi-Roll Attacks In A Game!

I Am A True Rock 'N Roll Star!  I Saved the Earth!

I Am A True Rock 'N Roll Star! I Saved the Earth!

I Destroyed 500 Asteroids In A Single Game!

I Destroyed 500 Asteroids In A Single Game!

I Wrecked 1,000 Asteroids In A Single Game!

I Wrecked 1,000 Asteroids In A Single Game!

B Stands for Brilliant!  I am Better than your "average" hero!

B Stands for Brilliant! I am Better than your "average" hero!

How do you get more Awesome than a mere A?

How do you get more Awesome than a mere A?

Devastate the rocks and baddies in Rock 'N Roll! A+ baby!

A Stands for Awesome, Amazing, and Astonishing!

A Stands for Awesome, Amazing, and Astonishing!

I am an Ace at Rock 'N Roll! Bring on 'dem rocks!

25 G.E.O.S. Gems!  Holy Play Hooky To Save an Earth Day!

25 G.E.O.S. Gems! Holy Play Hooky To Save an Earth Day!

50% chance! Come on baby, don't fail me now!

100,000 points.  Piece of cake!

100,000 points. Piece of cake!

..Hand over a cold beer to go this this cake now eh?

I Obliterated 2,500 Asteroids In A Single Game!

I Obliterated 2,500 Asteroids In A Single Game!

50,000 points isn't bad, right?

50,000 points isn't bad, right?

..Hey this game ain't easy, don't tease me!

I have PASSED (with a C grade) in Rock 'N Roll!

I have PASSED (with a C grade) in Rock 'N Roll!

I'm a Millionaire!  ..Too bad it's only points and

I'm a Millionaire! ..Too bad it's only points and

a silly achievement on this crazy asteroid blasting game, hmm?

haXX0r I am!  And proud of it mind you!

haXX0r I am! And proud of it mind you!

When it comes to saving the Earth, anything goes I say!

I just got a Fail game, err I mean Full game achievement!

I just got a Fail game, err I mean Full game achievement!

Fail.. Full.. Potato, Patato ..It's an achievement anyhow!

5 Beautiful Glimmering G.E.O.S. Gems Obtained!

5 Beautiful Glimmering G.E.O.S. Gems Obtained!

10% chance to save the Earth, let's go!

I'm Soooo Dizzy!  Weeee!  Maximum Rotation Speed!!

I'm Soooo Dizzy! Weeee! Maximum Rotation Speed!!

..Ain't wastin' no time, I can turn on a dime!

10 G.E.O.S. Gems Ain't Cheesy.. or Easy!

10 G.E.O.S. Gems Ain't Cheesy.. or Easy!

20% chance to save the Earth, let's go!

Gotta mission to save the world.. Momma didn't raise no fool!

Gotta mission to save the world.. Momma didn't raise no fool!

They say diamonds are forever, but this G.E.O.S. gem might be more clever!

Don't Mess With Me!  I'm a Bad Bad Man!

Don't Mess With Me! I'm a Bad Bad Man!

Bad to the Bone.. My Fire Power is Full Blown!

200,000 points, I could do this all day with my eyes closed!

200,000 points, I could do this all day with my eyes closed!

Now watch and you might learn something... *CRASH!*

That horrible vaporous red evil space blob ATE me!  OMG!

That horrible vaporous red evil space blob ATE me! OMG!

Now I know how it feels to be one of my potato chips!

Half a million points, just a walk in the park!

Half a million points, just a walk in the park!

Hey, wake me up when something happens here, will ya?

I killed that slimy green space snake before it "blowed me up"!

I killed that slimy green space snake before it "blowed me up"!

They just keep coming! Those things will explode their acidic innards all over your shiny pretty space ship!

I got my first kill of something that isn't a Rock!

I got my first kill of something that isn't a Rock!

That thing.. I thought at first that it was trying to help me shoot the rocks.. then I realized I was in serious trouble!

I'm totally BAE.. "Busy As Ever"!!

I'm totally BAE.. "Busy As Ever"!!

You expect me to save the world when I got SUCH a BUSY life?!?

Five Extra Ships baby!  That is NOT easy!  Yay me!

Five Extra Ships baby! That is NOT easy! Yay me!

Five extra lives out here can be lost in mere seconds! But I cannot give up!

I went all in and bought M.E.S.A protection !!

I went all in and bought M.E.S.A protection !!

My daddy always told me to "use protection" and well.. Now I've bought some protection!

Dang, this is nice looking stuff, it's gotta be worth somethin'!

Dang, this is nice looking stuff, it's gotta be worth somethin'!

..It might be pretty, but it don't make good toilet paper if you run out! Just sayin'!

I just found something real "purty" called Rhodium!

I just found something real "purty" called Rhodium!

OMG, this stuff is worth a TON! .Now where's a McD's when you need one?!

I didn't mean to shoot the one chance I had at saving you..

I didn't mean to shoot the one chance I had at saving you..

But I'm not on my A-game without my Dew!

I found something pretty decent called "iridium"!

I found something pretty decent called "iridium"!

When I first saw the iridium, I thought it was like a big chocolate kiss wrapped in shiny foil!

I Took them Triple Points of "K-OS" and I did NOT die!

I Took them Triple Points of "K-OS" and I did NOT die!

These Bull Riders think lasting 8 seconds is tough.. pfft, Try lasting 30 seconds with K-OS!

This is the biggest darned Nickel I've ever seen!

This is the biggest darned Nickel I've ever seen!

It's called nickel and worth only slightly more!

It's bluer than the Earth back home.

It's bluer than the Earth back home.

It's so blue, it makes me feel blue and miss home and my family!

I'm a millionaire!  One million bucks I've earned  baby!!

I'm a millionaire! One million bucks I've earned baby!!

I wish I could hire those Vaporous Death things to work for me instead of trying to kill me!

Holy Hell, where did that thing come from?  I killed it, I killed it!

Holy Hell, where did that thing come from? I killed it, I killed it!

They call it the VDS.. I call it my worst nightmare. It's moving vaporous eyes are such horror!

If I ever live through this, I might start mining asteroids more often!

If I ever live through this, I might start mining asteroids more often!

$250,000 and all I can spend it on is this space ship! Argh!

Yahoo!  I just earned my first extra life!

Yahoo! I just earned my first extra life!

Life out here is pretty grim, but I need all I can get to save my loved ones back on Earth!

Gold looks so much shinier when you're out in space!

Gold looks so much shinier when you're out in space!

..It must be the clean air out here making this gold so.. well gold.

It's 10 Osmium I gathered, NOT "opium" as in drugs!  Geez!

It's 10 Osmium I gathered, NOT "opium" as in drugs! Geez!

I just went Platinum baby!

I just went Platinum baby!

..And people always told me I couldn't sing! This platinum proves them all wrong!

Titanium! Wow! I'm rich! I'm rich!  This stuff gotta be worth millions!

Titanium! Wow! I'm rich! I'm rich! This stuff gotta be worth millions!

...It's worth less than that Nickel I found! What?! ..This space hub is rippin' me off!

Cha-Ching!  I just found my 10th Nickel out here in space!  Would be nice to find like a Quarter now!

Cha-Ching! I just found my 10th Nickel out here in space! Would be nice to find like a Quarter now!

"10 Nickels = 50 cents... Ugh. ..I'll never be able to buy that faster fire power at this rate!"

Oh darn, it's just a big chunk of Iron!  Whew!

Oh darn, it's just a big chunk of Iron! Whew!

..I could have swore it was another darn asteroid and I was dead, but I heard the sound of the ship collector, woot! woot!

I just hit 10 times "Platinum" baby!  Look at me go!

I just hit 10 times "Platinum" baby! Look at me go!

..With this last platinum, I just matched Garth Brooks first album from 1989, as that album also got 10 platinum too! Woohoo!

What is this CANNON doing out here in Space?!! Can I harvest that iron?

What is this CANNON doing out here in Space?!! Can I harvest that iron?

WoooHooooo!! Mommmmmmy! Ohhhh Wowwwww! Yeee Hawwww!

100% Authentic Play!  No In-Game Cheats Activated!

100% Authentic Play! No In-Game Cheats Activated!

"I may not be able to save the Earth, but nobody.. I mean NOBODY can ever say I saved humanity by cheating!"

I like "purty" things!  I have now scooped up 10 Rhodiums!

I like "purty" things! I have now scooped up 10 Rhodiums!

These little asteroid wanna-be things!  Argh, I got 10 of them now!

These little asteroid wanna-be things! Argh, I got 10 of them now!

"The first iron cluster scared me as I hit it, now they are just annoying!"

I can't get "rid" of "Iridium".. Now I've got TEN!

I can't get "rid" of "Iridium".. Now I've got TEN!

That's the 10th wave of Asteroids blasted!  So many rocks!

That's the 10th wave of Asteroids blasted! So many rocks!

"Each new wave presents more danger, more crumbles, more aliens.. Can I do it?"

10 X Cobalt, holy moly!  ..I'll have a blue "Cobalt" Christmas without you!

10 X Cobalt, holy moly! ..I'll have a blue "Cobalt" Christmas without you!

"You'll be dead and in fright with your Christmas of Plight.. But I'll have a blue, blue, blue, blue Cobalt Christmas!"

I done learned how to make 'dat money!  10 'dem Rhodiums sold now!

I done learned how to make 'dat money! 10 'dem Rhodiums sold now!

"It's really hard to part with something so purty, but I told it that it was me, not it when I left it"

I've now collected 10 of each pretty, shiny, thing out here!

I've now collected 10 of each pretty, shiny, thing out here!

"It's nice to have a hobby that you enjoy when you're out in space killing monsters, shooting asteroids, and saving the world!"

Mother Sucker!  Wow.. I'm good at sucking this junk up!

Mother Sucker! Wow.. I'm good at sucking this junk up!

I just learned how much fun it is to suck! Yummy!

Resource Hoarder! ..20 of each!

Resource Hoarder! ..20 of each!

"Mine! All Mine! Give me! Mine! Gimme, Giime!"

I just got SHOT while flying that fast!! That's GOTTA be Auto-Aim!

I just got SHOT while flying that fast!! That's GOTTA be Auto-Aim!

"That thing, that thing is cheatin'! How do I report that thing for hackin' with auto-aim!?"

OMG! I "KILT" every asteroid rock thing!  It's all gone!  Did I win?  I won huh?!?

OMG! I "KILT" every asteroid rock thing! It's all gone! Did I win? I won huh?!?

OMG! I'm an 8 Second Man!

OMG! I'm an 8 Second Man!

It's not easy lasting 8 seconds before exploding!

I am a true Rock Breaker!

I am a true Rock Breaker!

5,000 Rocks Shattered.. and counting!

I am an official "8008" by getting that exact score, 8008 uploaded to the leaderboards..

I am an official "8008" by getting that exact score, 8008 uploaded to the leaderboards..

Proud to use external cheat applications to HACK.. making me an official BOOB!

Another wave of them rocks gone!  I feel like they will never end..

Another wave of them rocks gone! I feel like they will never end..

"5 waves of asteroids, so many close deaths.. But they are worth it! Gotta save 'em"

2 Minutes. Double the Fun!

2 Minutes. Double the Fun!

I never thought I could last two minutes, but it went by too fast honey!

45 Seconds Baby!  Get in Line!

45 Seconds Baby! Get in Line!

You gotta get in line if you wanna play now! I got massive lasting power here!

10K Rock RAWKER!

10K Rock RAWKER!

10,000 Rocks you say? ..I'm just getting started!

I just made a new friend in space!

I just made a new friend in space!

This little A55 Kicker really kicks some ass!

I just achieved 2,500 points in the hardest of hard times!

I just achieved 2,500 points in the hardest of hard times!

Hard Rock Mode: 2,500 Points! Respect this!

4 Fabulous Minutes is how I rock it!

4 Fabulous Minutes is how I rock it!

I just gave it 4.. had so much fun that I wanna last a few more!

90 Seconds of Pure Perfection!

90 Seconds of Pure Perfection!

I'm just getting warmed up, are you ready for more?

Two Million Bones!

Two Million Bones!

Millions come EASY when you're this damn good!

20 Mind Blastin' Hard & Fast Minutes of This!?

20 Mind Blastin' Hard & Fast Minutes of This!?

You can't handle this! ..You can't handle me baby!

You Can't Top This!  TEN THOUSAND in Hard Rock Baby!

You Can't Top This! TEN THOUSAND in Hard Rock Baby!

The skills required to get 10k is higher than what's needed to be in the NFL today!

5 Minutes I Stayed Alive!  High Five!

5 Minutes I Stayed Alive! High Five!

Not anyone can last 5 minutes of that wild ride, but I lasted and held my pride!

1 Minute of Frantic, Furious Action!

1 Minute of Frantic, Furious Action!

Who ain't got time for a minute man?! Call on me whenever you got a minute to spare baby!

I've collected TEN Zaxpoleon Dynamites!

I've collected TEN Zaxpoleon Dynamites!

25,000 Points in Hard Rock Madness!  Holy Smokes I'm Good!

25,000 Points in Hard Rock Madness! Holy Smokes I'm Good!

Instincts of a cheetah, Blessed Skills of the Heavens! That's Me Baby!

10 Fast Paced, Furious Minutes!

10 Fast Paced, Furious Minutes!

Who wouldn't want someone who can last 10+ minutes at this kinda action!?

I Scored 1,000+ in Hard Rock Mode!

I Scored 1,000+ in Hard Rock Mode!

Nothin' to be shy about, 1k points is worthy with only one life to live!

Kamikaze That Mr Space Worm!  Blown to HELL! Ha!

Kamikaze That Mr Space Worm! Blown to HELL! Ha!

Oops! I done blown up my A55 Kicker!

Oops! I done blown up my A55 Kicker!

I collected my first Zaxpoleon Dynamite!

I collected my first Zaxpoleon Dynamite!

15 Minutes of Hard C.. err R..ock Action! I'm a Rock 'n Roll God!

15 Minutes of Hard C.. err R..ock Action! I'm a Rock 'n Roll God!

I dare anyone to last this long!

I done learned a whole lot about well.. about rocks and shiny stuff!

I done learned a whole lot about well.. about rocks and shiny stuff!

Momma didn't raise no fool!

I just blasted my first asteroid with Zaxpoleon Dynamite! WhooHooo!

I just blasted my first asteroid with Zaxpoleon Dynamite! WhooHooo!

What a freakin' Blast!

ARGH! I blew myself!  What an explosion! Sheesh!

ARGH! I blew myself! What an explosion! Sheesh!

I've collected FIVE Zaxpoleon Dynamites!

I've collected FIVE Zaxpoleon Dynamites!

No obstacle is too big if you set your mind to beating it!

No obstacle is too big if you set your mind to beating it!

Monster Rock + Me = Pile of Dust!

It wasn't easy, but I ain't cheesy!

It wasn't easy, but I ain't cheesy!

That lightning shootin' alien ship just got REKT by yours truly!

Take that boss man!  I exploded on you!  Rawr!

Take that boss man! I exploded on you! Rawr!

I didn't let good ol' earth take even a scratch baby!

I didn't let good ol' earth take even a scratch baby!

That damn dynamite saved my life!  That red space blob is vaporized!

That damn dynamite saved my life! That red space blob is vaporized!

Half a million already!? Wow, this is sure easier than working fastfood service!

Half a million already!? Wow, this is sure easier than working fastfood service!

Half a million dollars and not a single pizza joint anywhere around!

With all this 10 gold I've collected.. I should be able to make me a nice "golden" stack of pancakes! Mmm..

With all this 10 gold I've collected.. I should be able to make me a nice "golden" stack of pancakes! Mmm..

10 Titaniums now!  Sounds important!  (It's really not! Nickels are more valuable!)

10 Titaniums now! Sounds important! (It's really not! Nickels are more valuable!)

They may not be worth much, but they would look nice hangin' on my Christmas tree

I've now pawned 10 Iron balls!  A penny saved, a penny earned!

I've now pawned 10 Iron balls! A penny saved, a penny earned!

"They gave me that look when I pawned them dull dirty iron balls, but I held my head high!"

15 waves of Asteroids!  Holy hell in space!  Gotta keep pushin'!

15 waves of Asteroids! Holy hell in space! Gotta keep pushin'!

"I swear these asteroids are trollin' me now.. is this a really bad dream? Wake up self! Wake up!"

I'm getting soo good at sucking it all up baby!

I'm getting soo good at sucking it all up baby!

Mmm, Mmm, Good.. Sucking it All up 5 times in a single game! Sluurrrrp!

I'm a 30 Second Dream Machine!

I'm a 30 Second Dream Machine!

Holding it for 30 whole seconds takes mad skills!

3 Whole Minutes Equals Triple Pleasure!

3 Whole Minutes Equals Triple Pleasure!

First I tried the 2 min action, now I'm loving the 3 min!

5,000 Points in Hard Rock mode!

5,000 Points in Hard Rock mode!

Bow to me now. Before I give you my 5k "pow"!

Half an Hour Of Pure Perfection!  RAWR!

Half an Hour Of Pure Perfection! RAWR!

I am truly One-In-A-Million! I'm THAT damn good!

I've collected TWENTY FIVE Zaxpoleon Dynamites!

I've collected TWENTY FIVE Zaxpoleon Dynamites!

I blew that tentacle looking bastard to kingdom come!

I blew that tentacle looking bastard to kingdom come!

I tried going "All In" with "Up Your A55" and I gotta say, It is Amazing!

I tried going "All In" with "Up Your A55" and I gotta say, It is Amazing!

"Up Yours Too Buddy!" ;-)

Why achievements are not unlocking for Rock 'N Roll in Steam ?

To successfully unlock achievements and challenges, you need to make sure the following are true:
  • You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement.
  • Your device / console must be connected to the internet.

Games similar to Rock 'N Roll