- You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement.
- Your device / console must be connected to the internet.
There are 86 Road Scars: Origins achievements, trophies and unlocks on STEAM platform curated by the community.
Games similar to Road Scars: OriginsGet home
Be first on the race
Beat the first jobs
Beat the story mode
Beat 25 enemies
Beat 100 enemies
Take Lisa to a ride
Beat 500 enemies
Recover Road Baron's money
Beat 200 enemies
Score above 10k points on the arcade mode
Beat 10 enemies
Drive for 30 km
Get home and tell the news
Beat any challenge
Beat 150 enemies
Beat the challenge 3
Score above 1k points on the arcade mode
Beat the challenge 8
Beat 75 enemies
Be first on the big race
Beat the challenge 13
Drive for 5 km
Score above 500 points on the arcade mode
Beat the challenge 18
Beat 350 enemies
Beat 50 enemies
Drive for 75 km
Drive for 1 km
Beat the challenge 23
Score above 5k points on the arcade mode
Beat 250 enemies
Get 3 skulls in any challenge
Drive for 50 km
Beat the challenge 28
Drive for 15 km
Beat the challenge 5
Score above 3k points on the arcade mode
Get 2 skulls in any challenge
Beat the challenge 33
Drive for 150 km
Beat the challenge 10
Drive for 10 km
Beat the challenge 4
Beat the challenge 38
Beat the challenge 2
Beat the challenge 15
Drive for 100 km
Beat the challenge 9
Beat the challenge
Beat the challenge 7
Beat the challenge 20
Beat the challenge 1
Beat the challenge 14
Beat the challenge 48
Beat the challenge 12
Beat the challenge 25
Beat the challenge 6
Beat the challenge 19
Beat the challenge 17
Beat the challenge 11
Beat the challenge 30
Beat the challenge 24
Beat the challenge 16
Beat the challenge 22
Beat the challenge 35
Beat the challenge 29
Beat the challenge 21
Beat the challenge 27
Beat the challenge 40
Beat the challenge 34
Beat the challenge 26
Beat the challenge 32
Beat the challenge 45
Beat the challenge 39
Beat the challenge 31
Beat the challenge 37
Beat all challenges with 2 skulls
Beat the challenge 44
Beat the challenge 36
Beat the challenge 42
Beat all challenges
Beat the challenge 41
Beat the challenge 47
Beat the challenge 46
Beat all challenges with 3 skulls