- You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement.
- Your device / console must be connected to the internet.
There are 100 Riftstar Raiders achievements, trophies and unlocks on PS4 platform curated by the community.
Games similar to Riftstar RaidersYou're not just any Raider, you're the best Raider.
Complete Event 0: Déjà vu.
Complete Event 1: Sub-Zero Heist.
Complete Event 2: Crossing the Line.
Complete Event 3: WarSwarm.
Complete Event 4: The Fall of Hyperion.
Complete Event 5: Mother Hive.
Complete Event 6: Awakening.
Complete Event 7: The World Eater.
Complete Event 8: Into the Furnace.
Complete Event 9: Operation RiftStar.
In Event 0: Déjà vu pass through the Explosives Depot without using Combat Aim.
In Event 0: Déjà vu get killed 3 times by the crusher.
Complete Event 1: Sub-Zero Heist without any static space mine getting triggered by any player, enemy or object.
Complete Event 1: Sub-Zero Heist without triggering any scanners.
In Event 2: Crossing the Line loot every cargo pod.
In Event 2: Crossing the Line destroy all the FSC Goliath's engines within 10 seconds.
Complete Event 3: WarSwarm without taking any storm nebula damage.
Complete Event 3: WarSwarm without destroying a single WarSwarm capacitor.
Complete Event 4: The Fall of Hyperion without being hit by a solar flare.
In Event 4: The Fall of Hyperion collect all the side objective escape pods.
Complete Event 5: Mother Hive with HB Mk.1 at full health.
In Event 5: Mother Hive defeat 250 enemies in total across all players in one online play session.
In Event 6: Awakening destroy the core without taking damage from it.
Complete Event 6: Awakening without any player taking acid nebula damage.
Complete Event 7: The World Eater without any player being hit by its beam.
In Event 7: The World Eater activate all levers simultaneously in online play.
Complete Event 8: Into the Furnace in online play without any player taking damage from the laser gates.
Complete Event 8: Into the Furnace in online play without any player using the core's barrier.
In Event 9: Operation RiftStar get rid of the first wave of enemies without any player firing.
In Event 9: Operation RiftStar get the HB mk.2 through to the warp gate without taking a single hit.
In Event 9: Operation RiftStar enter the warp gate without the bomb.
Complete any Event in 300 seconds or less.
Complete any Event without killing a single enemy.
Collect 12 pieces of Loot in a single Event.
Complete any Event in 4 player online play without any player dying.
Perform 10 revives in online play.
Die while performing a revive in online play.
Be revived 15 times in online play.
Wait 2 minutes for a Revive.
Complete any Event in online play.
Defeat 5000 enemies.
Complete any Event with the highest accuracy rating when playing in 4 player online play.
Complete every Event in online play.
Collect all the Event rewards.
Craft a ship system to improve your Raider Spacecraft.
Craft 100 ship systems.
Spend 10,000 Starbux during the same loadout session.
Successfully complete an Event in online play with all 4 players wearing the hearts skin.
Tow an object in online play with 3 other players.
You're not just any Raider, you're the best Raider.
Complete Event 1: Sub-Zero Heist.
Complete Event 0: Déjà vu.
Complete Event 2: Crossing the Line.
Complete Event 3: WarSwarm.
Complete Event 4: The Fall of Hyperion.
Complete Event 6: Awakening.
Complete Event 5: Mother Hive.
Complete Event 7: The World Eater.
Complete Event 8: Into the Furnace.
Complete Event 9: Operation RiftStar.
In Event 0: Déjà vu get killed 3 times by the crusher.
In Event 0: Déjà vu pass through the Explosives Depot without using Combat Aim.
Complete Event 1: Sub-Zero Heist without triggering any scanners.
In Event 2: Crossing the Line loot every cargo pod.
Complete Event 1: Sub-Zero Heist without any static space mine getting triggered by any player, enemy or object.
In Event 2: Crossing the Line destroy all the FSC Goliath's engines within 10 seconds.
Complete Event 3: WarSwarm without taking any storm nebula damage.
Complete Event 4: The Fall of Hyperion without being hit by a solar flare.
In Event 4: The Fall of Hyperion collect all the side objective escape pods.
Complete Event 3: WarSwarm without destroying a single WarSwarm capacitor.
Complete Event 5: Mother Hive with HB Mk.1 at full health.
In Event 5: Mother Hive defeat 250 enemies in total across all players in one online play session.
In Event 6: Awakening destroy the core without taking damage from it.
Complete Event 6: Awakening without any player taking acid nebula damage.
Complete Event 7: The World Eater without any player being hit by its beam.
In Event 7: The World Eater activate all levers simultaneously in online play.
In Event 9: Operation RiftStar get rid of the first wave of enemies without any player firing.
In Event 9: Operation RiftStar enter the warp gate without the bomb.
In Event 9: Operation RiftStar get the HB mk.2 through to the warp gate without taking a single hit.
Collect 12 pieces of Loot in a single Event.
Complete any Event in 4 player online play without any player dying.
Perform 10 revives in online play.
Complete any Event in online play.
Defeat 5000 enemies.
Wait 2 minutes for a Revive.
Craft 100 ship systems.
Craft a ship system to improve your Raider Spacecraft.
Collect all the Event rewards.
Tow an object in online play with 3 other players.
Complete Event 8: Into the Furnace in online play without any player taking damage from the laser gates.
Complete Event 8: Into the Furnace in online play without any player using the core's barrier.
Complete any Event in 300 seconds or less.
Complete any Event without killing a single enemy.
Die while performing a revive in online play.
Be revived 15 times in online play.
Complete any Event with the highest accuracy rating when playing in 4 player online play.
Complete every Event in online play.
Spend 10,000 Starbux during the same loadout session.
Successfully complete an Event in online play with all 4 players wearing the hearts skin.