- You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement.
- Your device / console must be connected to the internet.
There are 29 Returners achievements, trophies and unlocks on GOOGLE PLAY platform curated by the community.
Games similar to ReturnersAcquire 600 gear
Acquire 1,200 gear
Acquire 2,400 gear
Earn 120 stars from normal regions
Acquire 3,600 gear
Earn 210 stars from normal regions
Earn 360 stars from normal regions
Earn 720 stars from normal regions
Earn 540 stars from normal regions
Send Friendship Points 50 times
Send Friendship Points 150 times
Send Friendship Points 400 times
Send Friendship Points 200 times
Send Friendship Points 800 times
Recruit 15 Heroes
Recruit 25 Heroes
Recruit 20 Heroes
Recruit 30 Heroes
Recruit 35 Heroes
Win 50 league games
Win 20 league games
Win 100 league games
Win 150 league games
Join Silver League
Win 200 league games
Join Gold League
Join Platinum League
Join Crystal League
Join Diamond League