ragna maya steam achievements

Ragna Maya Steam Achievements, Trophies and Unlocks

There are 100 Ragna Maya achievements, trophies and unlocks on STEAM platform curated by the community.

Games similar to Ragna Maya


Clear the Prologue.



Defeated an Arachguhl.

Found Thirty

Found Thirty

Emptied 30 Treasure Chests.

Experienced Archiver

Experienced Archiver

Viewed 5 Memoriam Recordings.

Found Twenty

Found Twenty

Emptied 20 Treasure Chests.

Gateway Encounter

Gateway Encounter

Fought a Gateway Encounter.

A Witchspawn's End

A Witchspawn's End

Defeated a Witchspawn.

Relearning Your Spells II

Relearning Your Spells II

Materialized 5 Ability Tomes.

Trainee Archiver

Trainee Archiver

Viewed a Memoriam Recording.

Rune Oryx

Rune Oryx

Used a Rune Oryx.

The Hastress' Pride

The Hastress' Pride

Defeated a Hastur.

Variant Encounter

Variant Encounter

Fought a Variant Encounter.

Relearning Your Spells V

Relearning Your Spells V

Materialized 30 Ability Tomes.

Mirage Crystallisation I

Mirage Crystallisation I

Crystallised a Mirage.

Olfana's End I

Olfana's End I

Defeated Olfana.

The Strongest Servant Race

The Strongest Servant Race

Crystallised a Hastur.

Relearning Your Spells I

Relearning Your Spells I

Materialized an Ability Tome.

Leave With Haste

Leave With Haste

Clear Floor 3.

Mirage Crystallisation IV

Mirage Crystallisation IV

Crystallised a Mirage 10 times.

Don't Say Her Name

Don't Say Her Name

Defeated a Golonakh Ogre.

Ultimate Spear...?

Ultimate Spear...?

Use a Tier 5 Spear in Battle.

The Revenant's End

The Revenant's End

Clear Floor 1.

Ultimate Orb...?

Ultimate Orb...?

Use a Tier 5 Orb in Battle.

Olfana's End II

Olfana's End II

Defeated Olfana....?

Prison Break III

Prison Break III

Clear Floor 6.

Mirage Crystallisation V

Mirage Crystallisation V

Crystallised a Mirage 20 times.

Found One

Found One

Emptied a Treasure Chest.

Ultimate Greatsword...?

Ultimate Greatsword...?

Use a Tier 5 Greatsword in Battle.

Prison Break I

Prison Break I

Clear Floor 2.

Here We Go Again

Here We Go Again

Witness the Dullahan's Petrification.

A Witchspawn's Gaze

A Witchspawn's Gaze

Encountered a Witchspawn.

Ultimate Katana...?

Ultimate Katana...?

Use a Tier 5 Katana in Battle.

Sun Oryx

Sun Oryx

Used a Sun Oryx.

Found Ten

Found Ten

Emptied 10 Treasure Chests.

Relearning Your Spells IV

Relearning Your Spells IV

Materialized 20 Ability Tomes.

Guardian Archiver

Guardian Archiver

Viewed 10 Memoriam Recordings.



Defeated a Wounded Dragon.

Choosing your Battles

Choosing your Battles

Defeated an Akasha beyond your level.

Mirage Crystallisation III

Mirage Crystallisation III

Crystallised a Mirage 6 times.

Relearning Your Spells III

Relearning Your Spells III

Materialized 10 Ability Tomes.

One Of The Few

One Of The Few

Crystallised a Lloigar.

Evolution's End

Evolution's End

Defeated a Nightgaunt.

Thankful For Chaos

Thankful For Chaos

Clear Floor 5.

Mirage Crystallisation II

Mirage Crystallisation II

Crystallised a Mirage 3 times.

Ultimate Elemental Greatsword...?

Ultimate Elemental Greatsword...?

Use a Tier 5 Elemental Greatsword in Battle.

The Pinnacle of Evolution

The Pinnacle of Evolution

Crystallised a Nightgaunt.

Ultimate Essence...?

Ultimate Essence...?

Use a Tier 5 Essence in Battle. (Equipped on Slot 1)

Prison Break II

Prison Break II

Clear Floor 4.

Ultimate Sword...?

Ultimate Sword...?

Use a Tier 5 Sword in Battle.

Guardian Essence

Guardian Essence

Use a Guardian Essence in Battle. (Equipped on Slot 1)



Clear the Prologue.



Defeated an Arachguhl.

Found One

Found One

Emptied a Treasure Chest.

Found Ten

Found Ten

Emptied 10 Treasure Chests.

Found Twenty

Found Twenty

Emptied 20 Treasure Chests.

Experienced Archiver

Experienced Archiver

Viewed 5 Memoriam Recordings.

Trainee Archiver

Trainee Archiver

Viewed a Memoriam Recording.

Guardian Archiver

Guardian Archiver

Viewed 10 Memoriam Recordings.

A Witchspawn's Gaze

A Witchspawn's Gaze

Encountered a Witchspawn.

Variant Encounter

Variant Encounter

Fought a Variant Encounter.

Choosing your Battles

Choosing your Battles

Defeated an Akasha beyond your level.

Sun Oryx

Sun Oryx

Used a Sun Oryx.

Gateway Encounter

Gateway Encounter

Fought a Gateway Encounter.

Relearning Your Spells I

Relearning Your Spells I

Materialized an Ability Tome.

Found Thirty

Found Thirty

Emptied 30 Treasure Chests.

Relearning Your Spells III

Relearning Your Spells III

Materialized 10 Ability Tomes.

Relearning Your Spells IV

Relearning Your Spells IV

Materialized 20 Ability Tomes.

Relearning Your Spells II

Relearning Your Spells II

Materialized 5 Ability Tomes.

Don't Say Her Name

Don't Say Her Name

Defeated a Golonakh Ogre.

Evolution's End

Evolution's End

Defeated a Nightgaunt.



Defeated a Wounded Dragon.

A Witchspawn's End

A Witchspawn's End

Defeated a Witchspawn.

The Hastress' Pride

The Hastress' Pride

Defeated a Hastur.

Olfana's End II

Olfana's End II

Defeated Olfana....?

Mirage Crystallisation II

Mirage Crystallisation II

Crystallised a Mirage 3 times.

Rune Oryx

Rune Oryx

Used a Rune Oryx.

Mirage Crystallisation III

Mirage Crystallisation III

Crystallised a Mirage 6 times.

Mirage Crystallisation I

Mirage Crystallisation I

Crystallised a Mirage.

Mirage Crystallisation V

Mirage Crystallisation V

Crystallised a Mirage 20 times.

The Pinnacle of Evolution

The Pinnacle of Evolution

Crystallised a Nightgaunt.

Relearning Your Spells V

Relearning Your Spells V

Materialized 30 Ability Tomes.

One Of The Few

One Of The Few

Crystallised a Lloigar.

The Strongest Servant Race

The Strongest Servant Race

Crystallised a Hastur.

Prison Break I

Prison Break I

Clear Floor 2.

Prison Break II

Prison Break II

Clear Floor 4.

Olfana's End I

Olfana's End I

Defeated Olfana.

Leave With Haste

Leave With Haste

Clear Floor 3.

Thankful For Chaos

Thankful For Chaos

Clear Floor 5.

Here We Go Again

Here We Go Again

Witness the Dullahan's Petrification.

Ultimate Sword...?

Ultimate Sword...?

Use a Tier 5 Sword in Battle.

Mirage Crystallisation IV

Mirage Crystallisation IV

Crystallised a Mirage 10 times.

Ultimate Spear...?

Ultimate Spear...?

Use a Tier 5 Spear in Battle.

Ultimate Elemental Greatsword...?

Ultimate Elemental Greatsword...?

Use a Tier 5 Elemental Greatsword in Battle.

Ultimate Katana...?

Ultimate Katana...?

Use a Tier 5 Katana in Battle.

Guardian Essence

Guardian Essence

Use a Guardian Essence in Battle. (Equipped on Slot 1)

Ultimate Essence...?

Ultimate Essence...?

Use a Tier 5 Essence in Battle. (Equipped on Slot 1)

Ultimate Orb...?

Ultimate Orb...?

Use a Tier 5 Orb in Battle.

The Revenant's End

The Revenant's End

Clear Floor 1.

Prison Break III

Prison Break III

Clear Floor 6.

Ultimate Greatsword...?

Ultimate Greatsword...?

Use a Tier 5 Greatsword in Battle.

Why achievements are not unlocking for Ragna Maya in Steam ?

To successfully unlock achievements and challenges, you need to make sure the following are true:
  • You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement.
  • Your device / console must be connected to the internet.

Games similar to Ragna Maya