purple heart steam achievements

Purple Heart Steam Achievements, Trophies and Unlocks

There are 50 Purple Heart achievements, trophies and unlocks on STEAM platform curated by the community.

Games similar to Purple Heart
A - Aquaman

A - Aquaman

Swim in the water

B - Big Gun

B - Big Gun

Find a big gun

C - Center of the Universe

C - Center of the Universe

Finish half of the game

D - Down to adventure

D - Down to adventure

Go down to level 3

J - Jetpack forever

J - Jetpack forever

Find a jetpack

K - Key Character

K - Key Character

Complete 13 level

G - Gold

G - Gold

Grab coin

P - Push Push

P - Push Push

Push the box

M - More Purple

M - More Purple

Complete 8 level

E - Enemies

E - Enemies

Kill first enemy

O - Oops..

O - Oops..

Unexpected meeting

F - Flash

F - Flash

Learn to make a dash

U - Unknown place

U - Unknown place

Complete 16 level

R - Robots

R - Robots

Meet the robots

T - Tunnels of Oblivion

T - Tunnels of Oblivion

Start the game

H - Hero

H - Hero

Finish the game

L - Large problem

L - Large problem

Pass level with a large saw

Z - Zero

Z - Zero

Complete 1st level

W - Weapon

W - Weapon

Find a gun

Y - You

Y - You

Finish 12th level

N - Nameless hero

N - Nameless hero

Complete 14 level

Q - Quarter

Q - Quarter

Complete 4th level

S - Survivor

S - Survivor

Complete 15 level

V - Violet dreams

V - Violet dreams

Find a machine gun

X - X-ray

X - X-ray

Complete 10th level

A - Aquaman

A - Aquaman

Swim in the water

B - Big Gun

B - Big Gun

Find a big gun

C - Center of the Universe

C - Center of the Universe

Finish half of the game

D - Down to adventure

D - Down to adventure

Go down to level 3

E - Enemies

E - Enemies

Kill first enemy

K - Key Character

K - Key Character

Complete 13 level

G - Gold

G - Gold

Grab coin

J - Jetpack forever

J - Jetpack forever

Find a jetpack

H - Hero

H - Hero

Finish the game

M - More Purple

M - More Purple

Complete 8 level

P - Push Push

P - Push Push

Push the box

O - Oops..

O - Oops..

Unexpected meeting

N - Nameless hero

N - Nameless hero

Complete 14 level

U - Unknown place

U - Unknown place

Complete 16 level

R - Robots

R - Robots

Meet the robots

T - Tunnels of Oblivion

T - Tunnels of Oblivion

Start the game

F - Flash

F - Flash

Learn to make a dash

S - Survivor

S - Survivor

Complete 15 level

Y - You

Y - You

Finish 12th level

Z - Zero

Z - Zero

Complete 1st level

W - Weapon

W - Weapon

Find a gun

X - X-ray

X - X-ray

Complete 10th level

L - Large problem

L - Large problem

Pass level with a large saw

Q - Quarter

Q - Quarter

Complete 4th level

V - Violet dreams

V - Violet dreams

Find a machine gun

Why achievements are not unlocking for Purple Heart in Steam ?

To successfully unlock achievements and challenges, you need to make sure the following are true:
  • You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement.
  • Your device / console must be connected to the internet.

Games similar to Purple Heart