- You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement.
- Your device / console must be connected to the internet.
There are 27 Pit People achievements, trophies and unlocks on STEAM platform curated by the community.
Games similar to Pit PeopleDefy the Narrator
Get a full squad of 6
Get Pip's Revenge
Run over 10 enemies using the wagon's nitro boost
19,999 Gold on-hand
Horatio or Hailey reach level 20
Get a Quadra Kill
Beat any team of Elites in the wild
Successfully complete a full Quest series
Win the INSANE unfair challenge
Recruit 1 of every creature type
Reach level 80 with any gladiator
Win an online versus battle in The Pit
Find a secret area in any worldmap
Find the hidden achievements that are unachievable
Inhale a breath
Play the game for at least 0.01 seconds
Play the game for 0.0 seconds total for the rest of your life
Vote in a local election in your own physical hometown
Buy a vehicle that you actually use in reality
Make pterodactyl sounds when you're completely alone
Find a recycling bin and place 1 appropriate item inside
Dream up something marvelous
Learn a foreign language
Determine how much wood a woodchuck would chuck if it could
Increase your whimsiness by exactly 2.48537
Convert 1 slice of bread into toast