numerus google play achievements

Numerus Google Play Achievements, Trophies and Unlocks

There are 30 Numerus achievements, trophies and unlocks on GOOGLE PLAY platform curated by the community.

Games similar to Numerus
Standart Adept

Standart Adept

Gain score of 500 in the standard mode

Standard Master

Standard Master

Gain score of 2000 in the standard mode

Fortification Adept

Fortification Adept

Gain score of 500 in the fortification mode

Standart Professional

Standart Professional

Gain score of 1000 in the standard mode

Fortification Professional

Fortification Professional

Gain score of 1000 in the fortification mode

Blind Adept

Blind Adept

Gain score of 500 in the blind mode

Fortification Master

Fortification Master

Gain score of 2000 in the fortification mode

Blind Professional

Blind Professional

Gain score of 1000 in the blind mode

Blind Master

Blind Master

Gain score of 2000 in the blind mode

Amazing Sudden Death

Amazing Sudden Death

Beat normal or higher computer difficulty level by sudden death victory

Sudden Death

Sudden Death

Beat the computer by sudden death victory

Excellent Sudden Death

Excellent Sudden Death

Create 5 lines of four by a single move in a game against computer

Freaky Sudden Death!

Freaky Sudden Death!

Create 6 lines of four by a single move in a game against computer

Play with a Friend

Play with a Friend

Play a custom game with both players set as human

Mega Sudden Death!

Mega Sudden Death!

Create 7 lines of four by a single move in a game against computer

Many Friends

Many Friends

Play 20 custom games with both players set as human

Hardcore player

Hardcore player

Beat the computer at hard difficulty level

Challenge mastered.

Challenge mastered.

Beat the computer at expert difficulty level

Challenge Accepted!

Challenge Accepted!

Draw in a game with expert difficulty level



Create two lines of four forming a single line of 8 by a single move (in a game against the computer)



Create 3 lines of four forming a triangle by a single move (in a game against the computer)

Rising Star

Rising Star

Win 10 games against the computer

Two Swords

Two Swords

Create two crossed diagonal lines of four by a single move (in a game against the computer)



Winning 100 games against the computer



Beat the computer while preventing it from creating a single line of four (in this case, the computer scores 0 points).

Standart Novice

Standart Novice

Gain score of 100 in the standard mode

Fortification Novice

Fortification Novice

Gain score of 100 in the fortification mode

Blind Novice

Blind Novice

Gain score of 100 in the blind mode

My First Victory

My First Victory

Defeat the computer

Serious Player

Serious Player

Beat the computer at normal difficulty level

Why achievements are not unlocking for Numerus in Google Play ?

To successfully unlock achievements and challenges, you need to make sure the following are true:
  • You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement.
  • Your device / console must be connected to the internet.

Games similar to Numerus