- You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement.
- Your device / console must be connected to the internet.
There are 46 Mordheim Warband Skirmish achievements, trophies and unlocks on GOOGLE PLAY platform curated by the community.
Games similar to Mordheim Warband SkirmishFinish the combat tutorial
Win first fight
Level up a character
Hire 3 warband members
Collect 10 shards
Kill an enemy
Visit the Imperial Stables
Put 10 warriors out of action with an axe
Equip 10 weapons
Put 10 warriors out of action with bows
Have a warband with 7 full slots
Use a healing herb
Have a warrior spend a skill point on Wound increase
Parry 10 attacks
Collect 50 shards
Equip an Ithilmar item
Put 10 warriors out of action with pistols or crossbow pistols
Use mandrake root
Visit Crimson Lights
Have a warrior promoted to Captain
Land a hit that causes 12 or more damage
Collect 250 shards
Have 3 warbands with 7 slots full
Have a warrior killed
Equip Heavy Armour
Have a warrior with Expert Swordsman
Win 100 fights with a warband
Put 10 warriors out of action with throwing weapons
Lose a fight to a lower rated warband
Living warrior with 4 or more injuries
Put 50 warriors out of action with a dagger
Equip a set of Gromril Armour and a Gromril Weapon
Have a warrior with all stat skills unlocked
Collect 5000 shards
Defeat a warband with more than double your rating
Have 4 warbands with 8 full slots
Have whole warband do 15 or more shots in a turn
Visit the Pit
Equip a warband with 8 warriors in heavy armour
Put 50 warriors out of action with a Hochland long rifle
Visit the Great Library of Mordheim
Have one warrior carry out 10 attacks in one turn
Collect 1000 shards
Find Count Steinhardt’s Palace
Have 100 warriors die
Have 7 or more warriors use Crimson Shade in a battle