mega museum google play achievements

Mega Museum Google Play Achievements, Trophies and Unlocks

There are 26 Mega Museum achievements, trophies and unlocks on GOOGLE PLAY platform curated by the community.

Games similar to Mega Museum
First Discovery!

First Discovery!

You have found your first Artifact!

First Rare Artifact!

First Rare Artifact!

You have found your first Rare Artifact!

First Legendary Artifact!

First Legendary Artifact!

You have found your first Legendary Artifact!

50 Artifacts!

50 Artifacts!

You have found 50 Artifacts!

First Mega Artifact!

First Mega Artifact!

You have found your first Mega Artifact!

Getting Noticed!

Getting Noticed!

You have had 100 guests visit your museum!

Maxed Out!

Maxed Out!

You have reach level 25 in all countries!

First Rating

First Rating

Your museum has been rated! Discover more artifacts for a higher rating!

Over 9000!

Over 9000!

You have had over 9000 guests visit your museum!

Top Rating!

Top Rating!

Your museum is now rated 5 stars!

Oh Great Emperor!

Oh Great Emperor!

You have found all 25 of all Artifacts in China

Más vale tarde que nunca.

Más vale tarde que nunca.

You have found all 25 of all Artifacts in Spain

Howard Carter High-Five!

Howard Carter High-Five!

You have found all 25 of all Artifacts in Egypt

For King and Country!

For King and Country!

You have found all 25 of all Artifacts in England

Goody Goody Gum Drops!

Goody Goody Gum Drops!

You have found all 25 of all Artifacts in America

Peruvian Flute Band!

Peruvian Flute Band!

You have found all 25 of all Artifacts in Peru

In Russia Museum Completes You!

In Russia Museum Completes You!

You have found all 25 of all Artifacts in Russia

By the Beard of Zeus!

By the Beard of Zeus!

You have found all 25 of all Artifacts in Greece

That's a Spicy Meatball!

That's a Spicy Meatball!

You have found all 25 of all Artifacts in Italy

The China Room!

The China Room!

You have built your first room

Mega Hoarder!

Mega Hoarder!

Found 25 of each artifact in each country!

The Louvre!

The Louvre!

You have built every room, now your museum is MEGA!

I am Bezos!

I am Bezos!

You have accumulated 45.2 billion coins!

Double Zero's aren't in Europe!

Double Zero's aren't in Europe!

You have won you first spin on the Mega Wheel!

I don't know. What is it? A coffee stain?

I don't know. What is it? A coffee stain?

A secret island has been discovered!

Mega Explorer!

Mega Explorer!

Found the MEGA Artifact from each country

Why achievements are not unlocking for Mega Museum in Google Play ?

To successfully unlock achievements and challenges, you need to make sure the following are true:
  • You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement.
  • Your device / console must be connected to the internet.

Games similar to Mega Museum