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There are 192 Legend of Zelda: Majora''s Mask, The achievements, trophies and unlocks on RETRO platform curated by the community.
Games similar to Legend of Zelda: Majora''s Mask, TheObtain the Ocarina of Time.
Obtain the Hero's Bow.
Obtain a Bombchu.
Obtain a Magic Bean.
Obtain the Pictograph.
Obtain the Powder Keg in the Spring time. (Missable)
Obtain the Lens of Truth.
Obtain the Hookshot.
Obtain the Great Fair's Sword.
Obtain the Fire Arrow.
Obtain an Ice Arrow.
Obtain the Light Arrow.
Obtain the Postman's Hat.
Obtain the All-Night Mask.
Obtain the Blast Mask.
Obtain the Stone Mask.
Obtain the Great Fairy's Mask.
Obtain the Keaton Mask.
Obtain the Breman Mask.
Obtain the Bunny Hood.
Obtain Don Gero's Mask.
Obtain the Mask of Scents.
Obtain Romani's Mask.
Obtain the Circus Leaders Mask.
Obtain Kafei's Mask.
Obtain the Couple's Mask.
Obtain the Mask of Truth.
Obtain the Kamaro's Mask.
Obtain the Gibdo's Mask.
Obtain the Garo's Mask.
Obtain the Captains Hat.
Obtain the Giants Mask.
Obtain the Deku Mask.
Obtain the Goron Mask.
Obtain the Zora Mask.
Obtain the Fierce Deity's Mask.
Obtain a bottle from the Old Hag.
Help Clean Stock Pot Inn by Catching a Bug in the Kitchen.
Catch the Deku Princess in a bottle.
Obtain a Seahorse from the Fisherman.
Catch a Big Poe's Soul Under the Well.
Obtain the Adult Wallet.
Obtain the Giants Wallet.
Obtain the Biggest Bomb Bag. (Winter Only)
Obtain the Biggest Quiver.
Reunite with Epona
Learn all Songs Across Termina
Obtain Odolwa's Remains.
Obtain Goht's Remains.
Obtain Gyorg's Remains.
Obtain Twinmold's Remains.
Defeat Odolwa without taking Damage and Using only Bomb Flowers.
Defeat Goht without taking Damage or using any Masks.
Defeat Gyorg without taking Damage.
Defeat Twinmold without taking Damage or using Masks.
Obtain a Moon's Tear.
Obtain the Land Title Deed.
Obtain the Swamp Title Deed.
Obtain the Mountain Title Deed. (Winter Only)
Obtain the Ocean Title Deed.
Give the Spooky Hand the Ocean Title Deed and recieve his Reward. (Missable)
Stay Awake Through Grannies Story and get a Prize.
Obtain a Reward from the Happy Couple.
Obtain a Reward From the Swordsman.
Solve the Keaton's Riddle on Milk Road and Obtain his Prize. (Missable)
Deposit over 5000 Rupee's and Obtain a Reward!
Beat the Postman's Game without using the Bunnyhood and Obtain Reward. (Missabl
Reach the Goron Graveyard before obtaining the Lens of Truth. (Missable)
Obtain the Bomber's Notebook. (Without Skipping Hide and Seek)
Obtain Gilded Sword.
Obtain all 20 Heart Containers.
Defeat Majora and Watch the Credits till the End.
Bring a Bunch of Wonderful Gifts to the Moon. (See Comments for Details)
Obtain the Mirror Shield.
Find and Strike all the Owl Statues.
Complete the Map of Termina.
Find all 60 Dungeon Fairy's on the same 3 Day Cycle.
Let the Moon Crash.
Buy back the Sword that Takkuri Stole from you.
Win Mamamu Yan's Reward before Obtaining the Mask of Truth. (Missable)
Obtain the Magic Meter.
Obtain the Biggest Magic Meter.
Obtain Enhanced Defense from the Great Fairy.
Find the Secret Shrine and Obtain a Reward Inside.
Find and Obtain a Reward in the Deku Trial.
Find and Obtain a Reward in the Zora Trial.
Find and Obtain a Reward in the Link Trial.
Find and Obtain a Reward in the Goron Trial.
Obtain some Deku Nuts.
Reach the End Having only Played the Song of Time Once. (Must Redo Prologue)
Reach the End without getting any Heart Upgrades.
Obtain all 4 Zora Eggs in the Pirate's Fortress before getting the Stone Mask.
Defeat Majora Without taking Damage or using Masks. (Will Trigger at Credits)
Complete All Entries in the Bomber's Notebook
Bring 6 Big Poe's to "Beneath the Graveyard" on the Final Day
Collect 400 Ruppee's in Termina Field Using Only the Blast Mask
Obtain the Ocarina of Time.
Obtain a Bombchu.
Obtain a Magic Bean.
Obtain the Pictograph.
Obtain the Great Fair's Sword.
Obtain an Ice Arrow.
Obtain the All-Night Mask.
Obtain the Stone Mask.
Obtain the Breman Mask.
Obtain Don Gero's Mask.
Obtain the Circus Leaders Mask.
Obtain the Couple's Mask.
Obtain the Gibdo's Mask.
Obtain the Captains Hat.
Obtain the Goron Mask.
Obtain the Fierce Deity's Mask.
Catch the Deku Princess in a bottle.
Catch a Big Poe's Soul Under the Well.
Obtain the Biggest Bomb Bag. (Winter Only)
Reunite with Epona
Obtain Goht's Remains.
Obtain Twinmold's Remains.
Defeat Gyorg without taking Damage.
Obtain the Powder Keg in the Spring time. (Missable)
Obtain the Hero's Bow.
Obtain the Lens of Truth.
Obtain the Hookshot.
Obtain the Light Arrow.
Obtain the Fire Arrow.
Obtain the Postman's Hat.
Obtain the Great Fairy's Mask.
Obtain the Blast Mask.
Obtain a Moon's Tear.
Obtain the Mountain Title Deed. (Winter Only)
Give the Spooky Hand the Ocean Title Deed and recieve his Reward. (Missable)
Obtain a Reward From the Swordsman.
Deposit over 5000 Rupee's and Obtain a Reward!
Obtain the Bomber's Notebook. (Without Skipping Hide and Seek)
Obtain all 20 Heart Containers.
Obtain the Mirror Shield.
Complete the Map of Termina.
Buy back the Sword that Takkuri Stole from you.
Obtain the Magic Meter.
Obtain the Keaton Mask.
Obtain the Mask of Scents.
Obtain the Bunny Hood.
Obtain Romani's Mask.
Find the Secret Shrine and Obtain a Reward Inside.
Obtain the Mask of Truth.
Obtain Kafei's Mask.
Obtain the Giants Mask.
Obtain the Garo's Mask.
Obtain a bottle from the Old Hag.
Obtain the Zora Mask.
Obtain the Adult Wallet.
Obtain a Seahorse from the Fisherman.
Learn all Songs Across Termina
Obtain the Biggest Quiver.
Defeat Odolwa without taking Damage and Using only Bomb Flowers.
Obtain Gyorg's Remains.
Obtain the Land Title Deed.
Defeat Twinmold without taking Damage or using Masks.
Stay Awake Through Grannies Story and get a Prize.
Obtain the Ocean Title Deed.
Beat the Postman's Game without using the Bunnyhood and Obtain Reward. (Missabl
Solve the Keaton's Riddle on Milk Road and Obtain his Prize. (Missable)
Defeat Majora and Watch the Credits till the End.
Obtain Gilded Sword.
Find all 60 Dungeon Fairy's on the same 3 Day Cycle.
Find and Strike all the Owl Statues.
Obtain the Biggest Magic Meter.
Win Mamamu Yan's Reward before Obtaining the Mask of Truth. (Missable)
Find and Obtain a Reward in the Zora Trial.
Find and Obtain a Reward in the Link Trial.
Find and Obtain a Reward in the Deku Trial.
Reach the End without getting any Heart Upgrades.
Obtain all 4 Zora Eggs in the Pirate's Fortress before getting the Stone Mask.
Reach the End Having only Played the Song of Time Once. (Must Redo Prologue)
Obtain some Deku Nuts.
Collect 400 Ruppee's in Termina Field Using Only the Blast Mask
Bring 6 Big Poe's to "Beneath the Graveyard" on the Final Day
Complete All Entries in the Bomber's Notebook
Obtain the Kamaro's Mask.
Obtain the Deku Mask.
Help Clean Stock Pot Inn by Catching a Bug in the Kitchen.
Obtain the Giants Wallet.
Obtain Odolwa's Remains.
Defeat Goht without taking Damage or using any Masks.
Obtain the Swamp Title Deed.
Obtain a Reward from the Happy Couple.
Reach the Goron Graveyard before obtaining the Lens of Truth. (Missable)
Bring a Bunch of Wonderful Gifts to the Moon. (See Comments for Details)
Let the Moon Crash.
Obtain Enhanced Defense from the Great Fairy.
Find and Obtain a Reward in the Goron Trial.
Defeat Majora Without taking Damage or using Masks. (Will Trigger at Credits)