- You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement.
- Your device / console must be connected to the internet.
There are 52 Konrad the Kitten achievements, trophies and unlocks on PS4 platform curated by the community.
Games similar to Konrad the KittenSuccessfully finish the tutorial with the kitten.
Visit the bathroom.
Chill out in the living room.
Go to the dark forest.
Visit the beach with your kitty.
Cuddle the kitten in plushy mode.
Wear 4 different accessories at the same time.
Clear the table in the Tea party minigame.
Give the kitten a balloon ride.
Get a total score of 10 points.
Have 100 coins in your purse.
Get 1000 points in a mini-game.
Unlock all accessories.
Successfully finish the tutorial with the kitten.
Visit the bathroom.
Chill out in the living room.
Go to the dark forest.
Visit the beach with your kitty.
Cuddle the kitten in plushy mode.
Clear the table in the Tea party minigame.
Wear 4 different accessories at the same time.
Give the kitten a balloon ride.
Get a total score of 10 points.
Have 100 coins in your purse.
Get 1000 points in a mini-game.
Unlock all accessories.
Successfully finish the tutorial with the kitten.
Visit the bathroom.
Go to the dark forest.
Chill out in the living room.
Cuddle the kitten in plushy mode.
Visit the beach with your kitty.
Wear 4 different accessories at the same time.
Clear the table in the Tea party minigame.
Get a total score of 10 points.
Have 100 coins in your purse.
Give the kitten a balloon ride.
Get 1000 points in a mini-game.
Unlock all accessories.
Successfully finish the tutorial with the kitten.
Visit the bathroom.
Chill out in the living room.
Go to the dark forest.
Visit the beach with your kitty.
Cuddle the kitten in plushy mode.
Wear 4 different accessories at the same time.
Clear the table in the Tea party minigame.
Give the kitten a balloon ride.
Get a total score of 10 points.
Have 100 coins in your purse.
Get 1000 points in a mini-game.
Unlock all accessories.