- You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement.
- Your device / console must be connected to the internet.
There are 76 Juanito Arcade Mayhem achievements, trophies and unlocks on GOOGLE PLAY platform curated by the community.
Games similar to Juanito Arcade MayhemSurvival Mode unlocked.
Complete the tutorial, first video game unlocked.
Beat the game.
Get all the stars.
Get the second upgrade to the Arcade Gun.
Get the first upgrade to the Arcade Gun.
Get a 5 combo streak.
Get a 20 combo streak.
Get a 100 combo streak.
Get a 50 combo streak.
Destroy 500 clonocells.
Destroy 2000 clonocells.
Destroy 10000 clonocells
Destroy 5000 clonocells.
Kill 500 big clonocells.
Kill 2000 medium clonocells.
Survive 1 minute in Survival Mode.
Kill 5000 small clonocells.
Survive 3 minutes in Survival Mode.
Survive 5 minutes in Survival Mode.
Summon a magic fairy.
Survive 10 minutes in Survival Mode.
Destroy 10 or more clonocells with a single normal shot.
Have more than 4 lives.
Destroy 20 clonocells while time is frozen.
Get a 30 combo streak with the machine gun.
Get a 30 combo streak with the Eureka gun.
Win a level with the shield active.
Destroy 20 clonocells while you're immune.
Destroy 20 or more clonocells with a single laser shot.
Get a 30 combo streak with the flamethrower.
Get a 30 combo streak with the Havoc gun.
Save the Blockits video game.
Destroy 20 clonocells with a bomb.
Win a level without getting hit by a block in the Blockits game.
Destroy every different Blockits block.
Win a level with a large ship in the Arkadroid game.
Save the Arkadroid video game.
Destroy 2000 Arkadroid blocks.
Save the Wonderland video game.
Win a level without shooting cells in the Wonderland game.
Win a level without getting hit by an axe in the Wonderland game.
Save the Pillman video game.
Win a level using only two pills in the Pillman game.
Save the Snow Sises video game.
Go around a Pillman level 5 times in the same direction.
Win a level without getting hit by the snow in the Snow Sises game.
Remove the snow from 2000 clonocells in the Snow Sises game.
Win a level without getting hit by a dragon in the Kung-Fu Blaster game.
Save the Kung-Fu Blaster video game.
Destroy 200 Kung-Fu Blaster jars before they explode.
Save the Boing video game.
Win during a draw in the Boing game.
Lose in the first level of the first game.
Save the Monkey Gong video game.
Lose all your lives in a Wonderland level due to the axes.
Win a level without getting hit by the ball in the Boing game.
Die 3 consecutive times in a Wonderland level.
Lose all your lives in a Blockits level due to the blocks.
Die 3 consecutive times in a Kung-Fu Blaster level.
Survive less than 30 seconds in Survival Mode.
Destroy 1000 platforms in the Monkey Gong game.
Lose all your lives in a Monkey Gong level due to the flames.
Lose all your lives in a Boing level due to the ball and rackets.
Lose all your lives in a Kung-Fu Blaster level due to the dragons.
Die 3 consecutive times in a Pillman level.
Die 3 consecutive times in a Snow Sises level.
Win a level without getting hit by the flames in the Monkey Gong game.
Die 3 consecutive times in a Arkadroid level.
Beat the ClonoBoss in Hardcore Mode.
Beat all the levels in Hardcore Mode.
Lose all your lives in a Snow Sises level due to the snowy cells.
Die 3 consecutive times in a Monkey Gong level.
Die 3 consecutive times in a Blockits level.
Die 3 consecutive times in a Boing level.
Collect 100 clovers for Saint Patrick's Day