- You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement.
- Your device / console must be connected to the internet.
There are 57 Hollywood Story achievements, trophies and unlocks on GOOGLE PLAY platform curated by the community.
Games similar to Hollywood StoryUnlocked when you record 1 movie!
Unlocked when you record 3 movies!
Unlocked when you record 25 movies!
Unlock when you get 100,000 fans!
Unlock when you get 10,000 fans!
Unlock when you get 1,000,000 fans!
Unlocked when you spend 5 Diamonds in Shopping!
Unlocked when you spend 250 Diamonds in Shopping!
Unlocked when you spend 25 Diamonds in Shopping!
Unlocked when you earn 5,000 cash!
Unlocked when you earn 25,000 cash!
Unlocked when you have 5 friends!
Unlocked when you earn 100,000 cash!
Unlocked when you have 25 friends!
Unlocked when you have 75 friends!
Unlock when you spend 100,000 Cash in Shopping!
Unlock when you spend 10,000 Cash in Shopping!
Unlock when you spend 1,000,000 Cash in Shopping!
Unlocked when you get your skill score to 3 points!
Unlocked when you get your skill score to 15 points!
Unlocked when you get your skill score to 5 points!
Unlocked when you solve 5 quests!
Unlocked when you solve 25 quests!
Unlocked when you acquire 3 contacts!
Unlocked when you solve 100 quests!
Unlocked when you acquire 25 contacts!
Unlocked when you acquire 100 contacts!
Unlocked when you complete 10 movie premieres!
Unlocked when you complete 2 movies premieres!
Unlocked when you complete 100 movie premieres!
Unlocked when you collect 50 collectibles!
Unlocked when you collect 5000 collectibles!
Unlocked when you collect 500 collectibles!
Unlocked when you collect 10 Star Points!
Unlocked when you collect 250 Star Points!
Unlocked when you save 5 looks to your portfolio!
Unlocked when you collect 2500 Star Points!
Unlocked when you save 15 looks to your portfolio!
Unlocked when you save 50 looks to your portfolio!
Unlocked when you rate 50 friends looks in portfolio!
Unlocked when you rate 5 friends looks in portfolio!
Unlocked when you rate 500 friends looks in portfolio!
Unlocked when you reach level 10!
Unlocked when you reach level 100!
Unlocked when you reach level 50!
Unlocked when you reach next star status!
Unlocked when you reach next star status!
Unlocked when you receive 5 perfect ratings from tabloid paparazzi!
Unlocked when you reach next star status!
Unlocked when you receive 50 perfect ratings from tabloid paparazzi!
Unlocked when you spin wheel of fortune for 5 times!
Unlocked when you spin wheel of fortune for 50 times!
Unlocked when you spin wheel of fortune for 500 times!
Unlocked when you play slot machine for 100 times!
Unlocked when you receive 500 perfect ratings from tabloid paparazzi!
Unlocked when you play slot machine for 10 times!
Unlocked when you play slot machine for 1000 times!