hohokum vita trophies

Hohokum PS Vita PS3 PS4 Achievements, Trophies and Unlocks

There are 12 Hohokum achievements, trophies and unlocks on VITA PS3 PS4 platform curated by the community.

Games similar to Hohokum
Hohokquick (Hohokumnavigus Furius)

Hohokquick (Hohokumnavigus Furius)

Complete the videogame Hohokum in under 60 minutes.

Nutpopper's Regret (Popnutinus Minimus)

Nutpopper's Regret (Popnutinus Minimus)

Equalize all the popnuts in the popnut tree.

Ragazzi del 99 (Gelatus purgutoria)

Ragazzi del 99 (Gelatus purgutoria)

Pay a visit to the Ice Cream seller.

Clambound! (Bivalvia Claustraphobius)

Clambound! (Bivalvia Claustraphobius)

You were trapped inside the huge clam-like thing. Curious fronds tickling you the whole time.

Nutpopper's Delight (Popnutinus Maxia)

Nutpopper's Delight (Popnutinus Maxia)

Equalize all the popnuts in the popnut forest.

Young Ognathologist (Ognadae Ognadae)

Young Ognathologist (Ognadae Ognadae)

Get a good look at an Ognapod.

Celebrated Master of Ognapology (Ognadae Tetratetron)

Celebrated Master of Ognapology (Ognadae Tetratetron)

Find four different species of Ognapod.

Ghoonpile (Ghoongollion Marginus)

Ghoonpile (Ghoongollion Marginus)

Make a nice stack of Ghoons.

The Ostler's Daydream (Cumulus Velivolus)

The Ostler's Daydream (Cumulus Velivolus)

You saw a cloud that looks suspiciously like the skybeast from Poto and Cabenga.

Shame of the Scuttlers (Hermetica Ingloria)

Shame of the Scuttlers (Hermetica Ingloria)

See a stark naked scuttler. Feel his shame.

Les Croque Parabolique (Acrobaticus Sycamoria)

Les Croque Parabolique (Acrobaticus Sycamoria)

Thanks to you all of the seed riders made it to the kite festival.

The Twilight Tickler (Bulblio Bulblio)

The Twilight Tickler (Bulblio Bulblio)

Congratulations. You lit all the fairground lights without zapping anyone.


Why achievements are not unlocking for Hohokum in PS Vita PS3 PS4 ?

To successfully unlock achievements and challenges, you need to make sure the following are true:
  • You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement.
  • Your device / console must be connected to the internet.

Games similar to Hohokum