- You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement.
- Your device / console must be connected to the internet.
There are 29 Hard Rock Zombie Truck Plastiline achievements, trophies and unlocks on STEAM platform curated by the community.
Games similar to Hard Rock Zombie Truck PlastilineKill 1000 zombies
Kill 6000 zombies
Rescue 6 people
Rescue 3 people
Kill 3000 zombies
Rescue 3 cats
Kill 500 zombies in the air
Kill 3000 zombies in the air
Crush 700 zombies
Blow up 400 zombies
Rescue 30 cats
Rescue 15 cats
Kill 5 cats
Kill 10 people
Crush 400 zombies
Kill Evil Evil monster
Rescue 10 people
Kill BOB
Crush 200 zombies
Kill 3 people
Kill 1500 zombies in the air
Blow up 700 zombies
Kill 30 cats
Kill 10 cats
Blow up 200 zombies
Collect all awards
Kill evil brain
Kill 20 people
Kill Bad Santa