folding@home google play achievements

Folding@Home Google Play Achievements, Trophies and Unlocks

There are 12 Folding@Home achievements, trophies and unlocks on GOOGLE PLAY platform curated by the community.

Games similar to Folding@Home
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Contribute a total of 3 hours to become Aminoacid.



Contribute a total of 27 hours to become Polypeptide

Start folding

Start folding

Contribute to Folding@Home for the first time to help finding cures.



Contribute a total of 81 hours to become Protein



Contribute a total of 9 hours to become Peptide.

6 hours straight (Breast Cancer)

6 hours straight (Breast Cancer)

Contribute to Breast Cancer research for 6 hours continously



Contribute a total of 243 hours to become Enzyme.

Open the Breast Cancer details

Open the Breast Cancer details

Open the Breast Cancer details to learn more about this research

12 hours straight (Breast Cancer)

12 hours straight (Breast Cancer)

Contribute to Breast Cancer research for 12 hours continously

18 hours straight (Breast Cancer)

18 hours straight (Breast Cancer)

Contribute to Breast Cancer research for 18 hours continously

24 hours straight (Breast Cancer)

24 hours straight (Breast Cancer)

Contribute to Breast Cancer research for 24 hours continously

Why achievements are not unlocking for Folding@Home in Google Play ?

To successfully unlock achievements and challenges, you need to make sure the following are true:
  • You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement.
  • Your device / console must be connected to the internet.

Games similar to Folding@Home