- You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement.
- Your device / console must be connected to the internet.
There are 188 Final Fantasy - Mystic Quest achievements, trophies and unlocks on RETRO platform curated by the community.
Games similar to Final Fantasy - Mystic QuestUse the main character's true name
Steal the name of another protagonist
Acquire a Refresher
Acquire a cure potion
Acquire a Heal potion
Acquire a Seed
Take manual control and go for top speed!
Clear out a battlefield
Clear all of the battlefields
Pick up The Cure
Change the background color
Get Quake
Add Kaeli to your party
Get the Elixir
Get the Sand Coin
Add Tristam to your party
Get the Fire spell
Add Phoebe to your party
Kill the Minotaur
Receive the Axe
Get the Cat's Claw
Learn how to use the bombs
Acquire the Steel Shield
Kill Flamerus Rex before you reach Level 5
Acquire the Charm
Acquire the Steel Helmet
Acquire the Magic Ring
Get the Libra Crest
Defeat Squidite
Get the Wakewater
Stand outside the Life Temple
Find the Heal spellbook
Defeat the Snow Crab
"Learn" how to use the Jumbo Bomb
Get the Magic Mirror
Acquire the Noble Armor
Acquire the Knight Sword
Defeat the Ice Golem
Get the River Coin
Acquire the Venus Shield
Get the Venus Key
Pick up a Blizzard
Buy the Battle Axe
Dance to a rockin' beat
Get the Multi-Key
Add Reuben to your party
"Learn" how to use the Mega Grenade
Find the Exit spellbook
Get the Gemini Crest
Find the Thunder spellbook
Get the Charm Claw
Defeat the Jinn
Free Reuben's father by moving the boulder
Pick up the treasure from the Wintry Temple
Find the White spellbook
Add a second row to the graphical health bar
Get the Gas Mask
Defeat Medusa
Find the Life spellbook
Add a fourth digit to the numeric health meter
It'd take a long time on 2GP per month...
Acquire the Moon Helmet
Defeat the Twinhead Hydra
Get the Sun Coin
Go in the basement and grab Aero
Have Tristam return to your party
Acquire the Giant's Axe
Acquire the Dragon Claw
Have Kaeli return to your party
Get the giant tree to let you inside
Find the Meteor spellbook
Defeat Gidrah the chimera
Acquire the Cupid Locket
Acquire the Apollo Helmet
Defeat Dullahan
Rescue Norma from Pazuzu's Tower
Find the Flare spellbook
Acquire Excalibur
Defeat Pazuzu
Get the Sky Coin
Have Reuben return to your party
Get Thunder Rock
Get the Captain Cap
Get the Mobius Crest
Visit the Light Temple
Acquire Gaia's Armor
Have Phoebe return to your party
Acquire the Aegis Shield
Defeat Skullrus Rex
Defeat the Stone Golem
Defeat the Twinhead Wyvern
Defeat Zuh
Defeat the Dark King and restore peace to the world
Level up all the way you can
Use the main character's true name
Steal the name of another protagonist
Acquire a cure potion
Acquire a Heal potion
Acquire a Refresher
Clear out a battlefield
Take manual control and go for top speed!
Clear all of the battlefields
Pick up The Cure
Get Quake
Add Kaeli to your party
Get the Sand Coin
Get the Elixir
Acquire a Seed
Get the Fire spell
Add Phoebe to your party
Receive the Axe
Kill the Minotaur
Change the background color
Acquire the Steel Shield
Learn how to use the bombs
Acquire the Charm
Kill Flamerus Rex before you reach Level 5
Get the Wakewater
Get the Libra Crest
Acquire the Magic Ring
Defeat Squidite
Defeat the Snow Crab
Get the Magic Mirror
Find the Heal spellbook
Add Tristam to your party
"Learn" how to use the Jumbo Bomb
Defeat the Ice Golem
Get the Venus Key
Acquire the Knight Sword
Get the River Coin
Get the Cat's Claw
Buy the Battle Axe
Add Reuben to your party
Pick up a Blizzard
Dance to a rockin' beat
Acquire the Steel Helmet
Find the Exit spellbook
"Learn" how to use the Mega Grenade
Get the Gemini Crest
Stand outside the Life Temple
Free Reuben's father by moving the boulder
Pick up the treasure from the Wintry Temple
Defeat the Jinn
Acquire the Noble Armor
Find the Thunder spellbook
Defeat Medusa
Find the Life spellbook
Get the Gas Mask
Acquire the Venus Shield
Defeat the Twinhead Hydra
Find the White spellbook
Get the Sun Coin
Acquire the Moon Helmet
Get the Multi-Key
Acquire the Dragon Claw
Add a fourth digit to the numeric health meter
Get the Charm Claw
Acquire the Giant's Axe
Acquire the Cupid Locket
Go in the basement and grab Aero
Defeat Gidrah the chimera
Add a second row to the graphical health bar
Acquire Excalibur
Have Kaeli return to your party
Get the giant tree to let you inside
Find the Flare spellbook
It'd take a long time on 2GP per month...
Get the Captain Cap
Defeat Dullahan
Acquire the Apollo Helmet
Get Thunder Rock
Have Tristam return to your party
Acquire the Aegis Shield
Get the Sky Coin
Defeat Pazuzu
Have Phoebe return to your party
Defeat the Dark King and restore peace to the world
Visit the Light Temple
Get the Mobius Crest
Defeat Zuh
Find the Meteor spellbook
Defeat the Stone Golem
Defeat Skullrus Rex
Rescue Norma from Pazuzu's Tower
Level up all the way you can
Have Reuben return to your party
Acquire Gaia's Armor
Defeat the Twinhead Wyvern