- You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement.
- Your device / console must be connected to the internet.
There are 48 Dream Match Tennis VR achievements, trophies and unlocks on PS4 platform curated by the community.
Games similar to Dream Match Tennis VRClear the challenge mode (very hard)
Clear the challenge mode (hard)
Clear the challenge mode (normal)
Clear the challenge mode (easy)
Take a point
Take a game
Take a set
Win a match
Take an ace
Take a winner
Make double faults
Make an unforced error
Break the opponent's serve game
Continue rally 10 times
Continue rally 20 times
Hit a ball against the tennis robo
Clear the challenge mode (very hard)
Clear the challenge mode (hard)
Clear the challenge mode (normal)
Clear the challenge mode (easy)
Take a game
Take a point
Take a set
Win a match
Take an ace
Take a winner
Make double faults
Make an unforced error
Break the opponent's serve game
Continue rally 10 times
Continue rally 20 times
Hit a ball against the tennis robo
Clear the challenge mode (very hard)
Clear the challenge mode (hard)
Clear the challenge mode (normal)
Clear the challenge mode (easy)
Take a point
Take a game
Take a set
Win a match
Take an ace
Take a winner
Make double faults
Make an unforced error
Break the opponent's serve game
Continue rally 10 times
Continue rally 20 times
Hit a ball against the tennis robo