- You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement.
- Your device / console must be connected to the internet.
There are 25 CURSE achievements, trophies and unlocks on STEAM platform curated by the community.
Games similar to CURSEBeat the game on Easy.
Beat the game on Normal.
Beat the game on Hard.
Beat the game on Nightmare
Do not get killed by a ghost on Easy difficulty.
Do not get caught by a ghost on the Normal difficulty.
Do not get caught by a ghost on the Hard difficulty.
Do not get caught by a ghost on the Nightmare difficulty.
'Read' all of the notes in the game.
Say 'Bloody Mary' 3 times.
Investigated the third library bookshelf.
Touched the hallway mirror.
Look out the hallway window.
Banished Mary Chaucer.
Looked in the toy chest.
'Read' Edgar Atherton's portrait.
'Read' Eve Atherton's portrait.
Answered the Cellar phone.
'Read’ the metal table.
Defeated Edgar Atherton.
Read the Ledger.
Discovered the second ending.
Saw Tasha’s ghost in the Kitchen.
‘Read’ the Aeternam Dagger.
'Read' the Book of Dominion