bridge constructor pg free google play achievements

Bridge Constructor PG FREE Google Play Achievements, Trophies and Unlocks

There are 13 Bridge Constructor PG FREE achievements, trophies and unlocks on GOOGLE PLAY platform curated by the community.

Games similar to Bridge Constructor PG FREE
Truck insignia 'Tutoria'

Truck insignia 'Tutoria'

Trucks can drive on all of Island 1's bridges.

Car insignia 'Tutoria'

Car insignia 'Tutoria'

Cars can drive on all of Island 1's bridges.



25 failed simulations in a row for the same bridge.

Safe Flight!

Safe Flight!

Ran a level simulation although not one single element had been built.

Throw-away bridge

Throw-away bridge

Bridge completed although at least 1 part broke.

Storm Warning

Storm Warning

A vehicle flew at least 5 grid units into the air.

Damned close!

Damned close!

Built a truck bridge which withstands over 95% strain without anything breaking.

Bye Bye!

Bye Bye!

One vehicle reached the opposite side of the bridge safely, the other did not.

Show Off

Show Off

At least one bridge posted on Facebook.

Big spender

Big spender

Spent at least 100,000 for a bridge.

Collection complete!

Collection complete!

Achieved all badges for all bridges!

Monumental structure

Monumental structure

Built a bridge with at least 100 construction elements.



Achieved 25 badges!

Why achievements are not unlocking for Bridge Constructor PG FREE in Google Play ?

To successfully unlock achievements and challenges, you need to make sure the following are true:
  • You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement.
  • Your device / console must be connected to the internet.

Games similar to Bridge Constructor PG FREE