beatmania gb2 gotchamix retro achievements

Beatmania GB2 - GotchaMix Retro Achievements, Trophies and Unlocks

There are 190 Beatmania GB2 - GotchaMix achievements, trophies and unlocks on RETRO platform curated by the community.

Games similar to Beatmania GB2 - GotchaMix
Goodness Gracious

Goodness Gracious

Clear any song on Normal or Hard without Bad or Poor notes.

Nothing But The Best

Nothing But The Best

Clear any song on Normal or Hard with only Great notes.

The Default

The Default

Clear any song on Normal or Hard with Config A.

All In Order

All In Order

Clear any song on Normal or Hard with Config B.

Triple Double C

Triple Double C

Clear any song on Normal or Hard with Config C.

Just An Average J-Girl

Just An Average J-Girl

Complete the Expert J-Girl course on Normal or Hard.

Expert J-Girl

Expert J-Girl

Complete the Expert J-Girl course on Hard.

Hardcore J-Girl

Hardcore J-Girl

Complete the Expert J-Girl course on Normal or Hard without continuing.

Let's Get The Band Back Together!

Let's Get The Band Back Together!

Complete the Expert Band course on Normal or Hard.

Band Geek

Band Geek

Complete the Expert Band course on Hard.

Winner Takes All

Winner Takes All

Complete the Expert Band course on Normal or Hard without continuing.

Pop Idol

Pop Idol

Complete the Expert Idol course on Normal or Hard.

Religious Idol

Religious Idol

Complete the Expert Idol course on Hard.

An Idol Worshipped By Many

An Idol Worshipped By Many

Complete the Expert Idol course on Normal or Hard without continuing.

Anime Overload

Anime Overload

Complete the Expert Anison course on Normal or Hard.

Anison Skywalker

Anison Skywalker

Complete the Expert Anison course on Hard.

The Animatrix

The Animatrix

Complete the Expert Anison course on Normal or Hard without continuing.

The Gottamix

The Gottamix

Complete the Expert Gottamix course on Normal or Hard.

Gatchapon Mix

Gatchapon Mix

Complete the Expert Gottamix course on Hard.

Gotta Mix Fast

Gotta Mix Fast

Complete the Expert Gottamix course on Normal or Hard without continuing.



Clear 'Automatic'.



Clear 'Automatic' on Normal or Hard.

Completely Autonomous

Completely Autonomous

Clear 'Automatic' on Hard.

Little Girl's Dream

Little Girl's Dream

Clear 'Little Girl's Dream'.

Little Beat Dream

Little Beat Dream

Clear 'Little Girl's Dream' on Normal or Hard.

Like A Dream

Like A Dream

Clear 'Little Girl's Dream' on Hard.

Time Goes By

Time Goes By

Clear 'Time goes by'.

Time Went By

Time Went By

Clear 'Time goes by' on Normal or Hard.

Eternal Memory

Eternal Memory

Clear 'Time goes by' on Hard.

Don't Be Defeated

Don't Be Defeated

Clear 'Don't Be Defeated'.

Won't Be Defeated

Won't Be Defeated

Clear 'Don't Be Defeated' on Normal or Hard.

Defeat The Beat

Defeat The Beat

Clear 'Don't Be Defeated' on Hard.



Clear 'Friends'.

Distance Can't Seperate Us

Distance Can't Seperate Us

Clear 'Friends' on Normal or Hard.

Friends Forever

Friends Forever

Clear 'Friends' on Hard.



Clear 'Robinson'.

Danger, Danger

Danger, Danger

Clear 'Robinson' on Normal or Hard.

When Rabbits Fly

When Rabbits Fly

Clear 'Robinson' on Hard.



Clear 'Sasurai'.

Into The Sunset

Into The Sunset

Clear 'Sasurai' on Normal or Hard.

Caught The Big One

Caught The Big One

Clear 'Sasurai' on Hard.

Over Drive

Over Drive

Clear 'Over Drive'.

Kicked Into Overdrive

Kicked Into Overdrive

Clear 'Over Drive' on Normal or Hard.

Unlimited Drive

Unlimited Drive

Clear 'Over Drive' on Hard.



Clear 'BELIEVE'.

I Believe! I Believe!

I Believe! I Believe!

Clear 'BELIEVE' on Normal or Hard.

Believe In Yourself

Believe In Yourself

Clear 'BELIEVE' on Hard.



Clear 'RYDEEN'.

Rydeen Into The Night

Rydeen Into The Night

Clear 'RYDEEN' on Normal or Hard.

Epileptic Beat

Epileptic Beat

Clear 'RYDEEN' on Hard.

Night Sky Nomukou

Night Sky Nomukou

Clear 'Night Sky Nomukou'.

Ah, The Sky Shines Bright

Ah, The Sky Shines Bright

Clear 'Night Sky Nomukou' on Normal or Hard.

So Many Stars

So Many Stars

Clear 'Night Sky Nomukou' on Hard.

Beach Nimatsuwaru Etcetera

Beach Nimatsuwaru Etcetera

Clear 'Beach Nimatsuwaru Etcetera'.

Beach Time Fun Good

Beach Time Fun Good

Clear 'Beach Nimatsuwaru Etcetera' on Normal or Hard.

Beach And Stuff Etc.

Beach And Stuff Etc.

Clear 'Beach Nimatsuwaru Etcetera' on Hard.

Catch You Catch Me

Catch You Catch Me

Clear 'Catch You Catch Me'.

Catching Some Air

Catching Some Air

Clear 'Catch You Catch Me' on Normal or Hard.

Catch You, Got You

Catch You, Got You

Clear 'Catch You Catch Me' on Hard.

Daite Hold On Me!

Daite Hold On Me!

Clear 'Daite Hold On Me!'.

Hold Onto That Feeling

Hold Onto That Feeling

Clear 'Daite Hold On Me!' on Normal or Hard.

Cupid's Arrow

Cupid's Arrow

Clear 'Daite Hold On Me!' on Hard.

Watashiga Obasanni Nattemo

Watashiga Obasanni Nattemo

Clear 'Watashiga Obasanni Nattemo'.

I'll Be Your Love

I'll Be Your Love

Clear 'Watashiga Obasanni Nattemo' on Normal or Hard.

Aunt Became Too Funky

Aunt Became Too Funky

Clear 'Watashiga Obasanni Nattemo' on Hard.

Space Battleship Yamato

Space Battleship Yamato

Clear 'Space Battleship Yamato'.

Love Is A Battleship

Love Is A Battleship

Clear 'Space Battleship Yamato' on Normal or Hard.

Ultimate Space Vessel

Ultimate Space Vessel

Clear 'Space Battleship Yamato' on Hard.

Beautiful Boy

Beautiful Boy

Clear 'Beautiful Boy'.

Beautiful Beat

Beautiful Beat

Clear 'Beautiful Boy' on Normal or Hard.

Incredibly Gorgeous

Incredibly Gorgeous

Clear 'Beautiful Boy' on Hard.

Soar! Gundam

Soar! Gundam

Clear 'Soar! Gundam'.

Glorious Space Opera

Glorious Space Opera

Clear 'Soar! Gundam' on Hard.

We Are Being Forced!

We Are Being Forced!

Clear 'Soar! Gundam' on Normal or Hard.

The Player Breathes Easy

The Player Breathes Easy

Clear 'The Angel Breathes Easy' on Hard.

Radical Invasion

Radical Invasion

Clear 'Ultraman's Song' on Normal or Hard.

One Crazy Trip

One Crazy Trip

Clear 'RVTK-1' on Normal or Hard.

Miracle Moon

Miracle Moon

Clear 'Miracle Moon'.

Ultraman's Song

Ultraman's Song

Clear 'Ultraman's Song'.

Hunting For You

Hunting For You

Clear 'Hunting For You'.

Hunting For Perfection

Hunting For Perfection

Clear 'Hunting For You' on Hard.

Disco Luvvin'

Disco Luvvin'

Clear 'Luv To Me' on Hard.



Clear 'Genom Screams' on Normal or Hard.

The Festival Of Kings

The Festival Of Kings

Clear 'RVTK-1' on Hard.

Why Don't You Love Me?

Why Don't You Love Me?

Clear 'Hunting For You' on Normal or Hard.

Genom Screams

Genom Screams

Clear 'Genom Screams'.

The Angel Breathes Easy

The Angel Breathes Easy

Clear 'The Angel Breathes Easy'.

Moves Like An Angel

Moves Like An Angel

Clear 'The Angel Breathes Easy' on Normal or Hard.

You Are Ultra Play!

You Are Ultra Play!

Clear 'Ultraman's Song' on Hard.



Clear 'RVTK-1'.

Fighting Evil By Moonlight

Fighting Evil By Moonlight

Clear 'Miracle Moon' on Normal or Hard.

Lovin' In The Night

Lovin' In The Night

Clear 'Miracle Moon' on Hard.

Luv To Me [Disco Mix]

Luv To Me [Disco Mix]

Clear 'Luv To Me'.

Sounds Kinda Familiar...

Sounds Kinda Familiar...

Clear 'Luv To Me' on Normal or Hard.

Monkey Business

Monkey Business

Clear 'Genom Screams' on Hard.

Goodness Gracious

Goodness Gracious

Clear any song on Normal or Hard without Bad or Poor notes.

Nothing But The Best

Nothing But The Best

Clear any song on Normal or Hard with only Great notes.

The Default

The Default

Clear any song on Normal or Hard with Config A.

All In Order

All In Order

Clear any song on Normal or Hard with Config B.

Triple Double C

Triple Double C

Clear any song on Normal or Hard with Config C.

Just An Average J-Girl

Just An Average J-Girl

Complete the Expert J-Girl course on Normal or Hard.

Expert J-Girl

Expert J-Girl

Complete the Expert J-Girl course on Hard.

Hardcore J-Girl

Hardcore J-Girl

Complete the Expert J-Girl course on Normal or Hard without continuing.

Let's Get The Band Back Together!

Let's Get The Band Back Together!

Complete the Expert Band course on Normal or Hard.

Band Geek

Band Geek

Complete the Expert Band course on Hard.

Winner Takes All

Winner Takes All

Complete the Expert Band course on Normal or Hard without continuing.

Pop Idol

Pop Idol

Complete the Expert Idol course on Normal or Hard.

Religious Idol

Religious Idol

Complete the Expert Idol course on Hard.

An Idol Worshipped By Many

An Idol Worshipped By Many

Complete the Expert Idol course on Normal or Hard without continuing.

Anime Overload

Anime Overload

Complete the Expert Anison course on Normal or Hard.

Anison Skywalker

Anison Skywalker

Complete the Expert Anison course on Hard.

The Animatrix

The Animatrix

Complete the Expert Anison course on Normal or Hard without continuing.

The Gottamix

The Gottamix

Complete the Expert Gottamix course on Normal or Hard.

Gatchapon Mix

Gatchapon Mix

Complete the Expert Gottamix course on Hard.

Gotta Mix Fast

Gotta Mix Fast

Complete the Expert Gottamix course on Normal or Hard without continuing.



Clear 'Automatic'.



Clear 'Automatic' on Normal or Hard.

Completely Autonomous

Completely Autonomous

Clear 'Automatic' on Hard.

Little Girl's Dream

Little Girl's Dream

Clear 'Little Girl's Dream'.

Little Beat Dream

Little Beat Dream

Clear 'Little Girl's Dream' on Normal or Hard.

Like A Dream

Like A Dream

Clear 'Little Girl's Dream' on Hard.

Time Goes By

Time Goes By

Clear 'Time goes by'.

Time Went By

Time Went By

Clear 'Time goes by' on Normal or Hard.

Eternal Memory

Eternal Memory

Clear 'Time goes by' on Hard.

Don't Be Defeated

Don't Be Defeated

Clear 'Don't Be Defeated'.

Won't Be Defeated

Won't Be Defeated

Clear 'Don't Be Defeated' on Normal or Hard.

Defeat The Beat

Defeat The Beat

Clear 'Don't Be Defeated' on Hard.



Clear 'Friends'.

Distance Can't Seperate Us

Distance Can't Seperate Us

Clear 'Friends' on Normal or Hard.

Friends Forever

Friends Forever

Clear 'Friends' on Hard.



Clear 'Robinson'.

Danger, Danger

Danger, Danger

Clear 'Robinson' on Normal or Hard.

When Rabbits Fly

When Rabbits Fly

Clear 'Robinson' on Hard.



Clear 'Sasurai'.

Into The Sunset

Into The Sunset

Clear 'Sasurai' on Normal or Hard.

Caught The Big One

Caught The Big One

Clear 'Sasurai' on Hard.

Over Drive

Over Drive

Clear 'Over Drive'.

Unlimited Drive

Unlimited Drive

Clear 'Over Drive' on Hard.



Clear 'BELIEVE'.

Kicked Into Overdrive

Kicked Into Overdrive

Clear 'Over Drive' on Normal or Hard.

Rydeen Into The Night

Rydeen Into The Night

Clear 'RYDEEN' on Normal or Hard.

Believe In Yourself

Believe In Yourself

Clear 'BELIEVE' on Hard.



Clear 'RYDEEN'.

Beach Nimatsuwaru Etcetera

Beach Nimatsuwaru Etcetera

Clear 'Beach Nimatsuwaru Etcetera'.

So Many Stars

So Many Stars

Clear 'Night Sky Nomukou' on Hard.

Ah, The Sky Shines Bright

Ah, The Sky Shines Bright

Clear 'Night Sky Nomukou' on Normal or Hard.

Epileptic Beat

Epileptic Beat

Clear 'RYDEEN' on Hard.

Catch You, Got You

Catch You, Got You

Clear 'Catch You Catch Me' on Hard.

Catching Some Air

Catching Some Air

Clear 'Catch You Catch Me' on Normal or Hard.

Catch You Catch Me

Catch You Catch Me

Clear 'Catch You Catch Me'.

I Believe! I Believe!

I Believe! I Believe!

Clear 'BELIEVE' on Normal or Hard.

Beach Time Fun Good

Beach Time Fun Good

Clear 'Beach Nimatsuwaru Etcetera' on Normal or Hard.

I'll Be Your Love

I'll Be Your Love

Clear 'Watashiga Obasanni Nattemo' on Normal or Hard.

Watashiga Obasanni Nattemo

Watashiga Obasanni Nattemo

Clear 'Watashiga Obasanni Nattemo'.

Cupid's Arrow

Cupid's Arrow

Clear 'Daite Hold On Me!' on Hard.

Night Sky Nomukou

Night Sky Nomukou

Clear 'Night Sky Nomukou'.

Daite Hold On Me!

Daite Hold On Me!

Clear 'Daite Hold On Me!'.

Beautiful Boy

Beautiful Boy

Clear 'Beautiful Boy'.

Ultimate Space Vessel

Ultimate Space Vessel

Clear 'Space Battleship Yamato' on Hard.

Love Is A Battleship

Love Is A Battleship

Clear 'Space Battleship Yamato' on Normal or Hard.

Beach And Stuff Etc.

Beach And Stuff Etc.

Clear 'Beach Nimatsuwaru Etcetera' on Hard.

Aunt Became Too Funky

Aunt Became Too Funky

Clear 'Watashiga Obasanni Nattemo' on Hard.

Glorious Space Opera

Glorious Space Opera

Clear 'Soar! Gundam' on Hard.

Soar! Gundam

Soar! Gundam

Clear 'Soar! Gundam'.

We Are Being Forced!

We Are Being Forced!

Clear 'Soar! Gundam' on Normal or Hard.

Hold Onto That Feeling

Hold Onto That Feeling

Clear 'Daite Hold On Me!' on Normal or Hard.

Beautiful Beat

Beautiful Beat

Clear 'Beautiful Boy' on Normal or Hard.

Radical Invasion

Radical Invasion

Clear 'Ultraman's Song' on Normal or Hard.

The Player Breathes Easy

The Player Breathes Easy

Clear 'The Angel Breathes Easy' on Hard.

Ultraman's Song

Ultraman's Song

Clear 'Ultraman's Song'.

Space Battleship Yamato

Space Battleship Yamato

Clear 'Space Battleship Yamato'.

The Angel Breathes Easy

The Angel Breathes Easy

Clear 'The Angel Breathes Easy'.

Miracle Moon

Miracle Moon

Clear 'Miracle Moon'.

One Crazy Trip

One Crazy Trip

Clear 'RVTK-1' on Normal or Hard.

The Festival Of Kings

The Festival Of Kings

Clear 'RVTK-1' on Hard.

Incredibly Gorgeous

Incredibly Gorgeous

Clear 'Beautiful Boy' on Hard.

You Are Ultra Play!

You Are Ultra Play!

Clear 'Ultraman's Song' on Hard.

Hunting For Perfection

Hunting For Perfection

Clear 'Hunting For You' on Hard.

Hunting For You

Hunting For You

Clear 'Hunting For You'.

Why Don't You Love Me?

Why Don't You Love Me?

Clear 'Hunting For You' on Normal or Hard.

Moves Like An Angel

Moves Like An Angel

Clear 'The Angel Breathes Easy' on Normal or Hard.

Fighting Evil By Moonlight

Fighting Evil By Moonlight

Clear 'Miracle Moon' on Normal or Hard.



Clear 'Genom Screams' on Normal or Hard.

Disco Luvvin'

Disco Luvvin'

Clear 'Luv To Me' on Hard.

Genom Screams

Genom Screams

Clear 'Genom Screams'.

Luv To Me [Disco Mix]

Luv To Me [Disco Mix]

Clear 'Luv To Me'.



Clear 'RVTK-1'.

Monkey Business

Monkey Business

Clear 'Genom Screams' on Hard.

Lovin' In The Night

Lovin' In The Night

Clear 'Miracle Moon' on Hard.

Sounds Kinda Familiar...

Sounds Kinda Familiar...

Clear 'Luv To Me' on Normal or Hard.

Why achievements are not unlocking for Beatmania GB2 - GotchaMix in Retro ?

To successfully unlock achievements and challenges, you need to make sure the following are true:
  • You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement.
  • Your device / console must be connected to the internet.

Games similar to Beatmania GB2 - GotchaMix