- You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement.
- Your device / console must be connected to the internet.
There are 32 Away: Journey to the Unexpected achievements, trophies and unlocks on PS4 platform curated by the community.
Games similar to Away: Journey to the UnexpectedAgree to let the frog live with you
Tip the shopkeeper
Have 4 playable characters at the same time
Start a fifth game after dying
Start a fifteenth game after dying
Buy 2 items from the shop during the same game
Open the factory gate for the first time
You have 999 coins
Find a secret passage in a dungeon
Unlock the guard and strong blow abilities
Talk to the cat 3 times
Unlock the desert access grid
Recruit 3 characters
Recruit all playable characters
Find your parents
Defeat the final boss
Agree to let the frog live with you
Have 4 playable characters at the same time
Tip the shopkeeper
Start a fifteenth game after dying
Start a fifth game after dying
Find a secret passage in a dungeon
You have 999 coins
Open the factory gate for the first time
Unlock the guard and strong blow abilities
Recruit all playable characters
Recruit 3 characters
Unlock the desert access grid
Find your parents
Buy 2 items from the shop during the same game
Talk to the cat 3 times
Defeat the final boss