11 11 memories retold xbox one achievements

11-11 Memories Retold Xbox One Achievements, Trophies and Unlocks

There are 50 11-11 Memories Retold achievements, trophies and unlocks on XBOX ONE platform curated by the community.

Games similar to 11-11 Memories Retold
Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek

You found all the collectibles from Part I

30 Points


You found all the collectibles from Part II

30 Points


You found all the collectibles

50 Points


You found all the collectibles from Part III

30 Points
Homeward Bound

Homeward Bound

You chose to go home to Julia

10 Points


You chose to go and save Kurt

10 Points
Part I

Part I

You completed all chapters of Part I

40 Points
Part II

Part II

You completed all chapters of Part II

40 Points
Part III

Part III

You completed all chapters of Part III

40 Points


You unlocked the betrayal ending

30 Points


You unlocked the sacrifice ending

30 Points


You unlocked the revenge ending

30 Points


You unlocked the grudge ending

30 Points


You unlocked the peace ending

30 Points
Lone Avenger

Lone Avenger

You unlocked the lone avenger ending

30 Points


You unlocked the forgiven ending

30 Points
Captain of the Sea

Captain of the Sea

You avoided all the mines

15 Points
Health Warning

Health Warning

You did some business with Joe

15 Points
Childhood Friend

Childhood Friend

You went into Julia's room

15 Points
Top Floor Please

Top Floor Please

You used one of the lifts on Vimy Ridge

15 Points
Hello kitty!

Hello kitty!

You took a picture of Lotty in the Vimy trenches

15 Points
Pen Pal

Pen Pal

You sent two pictures to Julia

15 Points
And Your Enemies Closer...

And Your Enemies Closer...

You took a picture of Kurt in "The Collapse"

15 Points
Dance Revolution

Dance Revolution

You performed all the dance moves in the cabaret

15 Points
Feline Therapy

Feline Therapy

As Lotty, you comforted the soldier under the tree

15 Points


You finished Vimy battle without dying

15 Points
Out of ammo

Out of ammo

You filled your roll

15 Points


You found all the missing boys from your village

15 Points
Red Cross

Red Cross

You helped Daniel in Passchendaele

15 Points
Fresh air

Fresh air

You cut the gas in Passchendaele

15 Points
So near and yet so far

So near and yet so far

You almost got out of the church

15 Points
Bridge Club

Bridge Club

You won against the old ladies in Kurt's village

15 Points


You gave some chocolate to a german soldier

15 Points
A Credit To You

A Credit To You

You watched all the credits

15 Points


You took all the apples back to Lucie

15 Points


You purred with Lotty

15 Points


You cut the german communication

15 Points


You won all the card games

15 Points
Lest we forget

Lest we forget

You pulled the cart of crosses in the cemetery

15 Points


You scored with the hidden football in Paris

15 Points
My Saviour

My Saviour

You saved Lothar during the Battle of Vimy Ridge

15 Points
The Pied Piper

The Pied Piper

You caught a rat in the tunnels

15 Points
Unforgettable Luncheon

Unforgettable Luncheon

You found the hidden food stash in the tunnels

15 Points
Ludicrous Display

Ludicrous Display

You kicked the football in the POW camp

15 Points
Burn It All

Burn It All

You brought all four pieces of wood to the oven

15 Points
Might is Right

Might is Right

You threatened the soldier three times to learn the truth

15 Points
Ghost In The Way

Ghost In The Way

You collided with 20 ghosts or more

15 Points
The Sorrow

The Sorrow

You didn't collide with any ghosts

15 Points
Heart of Darkness

Heart of Darkness

You listened to Barrett's tearful account of the lives lost under his command

15 Points
Chekhov's Gun

Chekhov's Gun

You took a photo of the rifle on Kurt's kitchen wall in "The Pursuit" and fired it in "Peace"

15 Points

Why achievements are not unlocking for 11-11 Memories Retold in Xbox One ?

To successfully unlock achievements and challenges, you need to make sure the following are true:
  • You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement.
  • Your device / console must be connected to the internet.

11-11 Memories Retold Achievements, Trophies and Unlocks in Other Platforms

Games similar to 11-11 Memories Retold